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Meet Your Host

Robin J. Emdon is the creator of The 5-Day skyrocketyourproductivitychallenge.com and the proprietary GetResultsology® Model. A comprehensive guide designed to help individuals overcome procrastination and transform their goals into life-changing achievements.

Robin's journey began in his family's retail business, but he soon realised his true passion lay in empowering others to unlock their potential. In 2001, he travelled to America to train as a life coach—a decision that ultimately led him to develop the GetResultsology® System and specialise in accountability coaching.

It was during the 2020 pandemic, as the world slowed down, that Robin resolved to get to the bottom of a surprising personal challenge: procrastination. Despite his experience as a coach, he still found himself struggling with delays and distractions. Determined to overcome this, he leveraged his expertise to research and develop the GetResultsology® System—a dynamic guide that empowers individuals to conquer procrastination and boost productivity.

Today, Robin is dedicated to helping his clients achieve extraordinary results through accountability coaching. He lives in South Devon, England, where his passion for coaching is matched only by his enthusiasm for local history, which he’s always eager to share with anyone who’s willing to listen.

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