Why you've got to check out today's episode
1. Discover how to leverage corporate experience to create a six-figure consulting business.
2. Learn Amy’s simple three-step system for generating consulting revenue now.
3. Gain insights into maintaining productivity with clear priorities and boundaries.
4. Hear how Amy built a flexible business that aligns with her dream lifestyle.
5. Access a valuable free resource to kickstart your consulting journey.
Amy's Valuable Free Resource (VFR):
In this episode, Amy Rasdal shares her journey from corporate to consulting, revealing how she built a six-figure business with freedom and flexibility. Learn her proven three-step method for landing consulting projects, tips for staying productive, and how to get started with just four essentials.
02:30 Ideal Client:
Professionals with significant corporate experience, earning six figures, ready to go independent.
03:15 Problem Solved:
Helping high achievers take control of their careers and build consulting businesses without sacrificing expertise.
04:10 Valuable Free Action (VFA):
Create a value proposition, list contacts, and start outreach to land your first project.
07:40 Valuable Productive Action (VPA):
Set clear, discrete priorities and embrace the power of saying no to distractions.
10:00 Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Access Amy’s free course, "Three Action Steps to Generate Revenue Now," available at BillableAtTheBeach.com.
(Note, this was transcribed using transcription software and may not fully reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Welcome to the Goalbusters Expert Peak Productivity Tips podcast, where top business experts get just seven minutes to answer five rapid fire questions about what they do and how they stay productive.
Each episode is packed with actionable insights to help boost your efficiency and achieve your goals. Let's dive in and unlock the secrets to peak performance.
00:22 ROBIN
Well, hello, everyone. I'm Robin J. Emdon, creator of the Get Resultsology system and an accountability coach.
I help people harness productivity to achieve meaningful results, increase income, grow their business, and create success that powers their dreams.
Today's guest is Amy Rasdal, founder of Billable at the Beach®.
After leaving her corporate job fifteen years ago, she built a thriving consulting business, making more money than most executives, while enjoying unmatched freedom and flexibility.
With over twenty five years of experience in operations, product development, and marketing, Amy has helped hundreds start their own successful consulting careers. She's also the founder of Rasdal Associates, specializing in program and project management.
Amy is passionate about empowering others to take control of their careers and live life on their own terms.
Amy, welcome.
Thank you so much for having me today. I'm happy to be here.
It's my absolute pleasure. I know it's morning where you are. Just remind me where you are, please.
I am in San Diego, California in the United States.
San Diego. Yeah. I waxed lyrical about that before we started recording. I love San Diego, and you are a full eight hours behind me here in Torquay in a very cold South Devon, I believe. I think it's probably quite warm where you are, though. I hope so.
It is. I'm looking at bright sunny skies and palm trees today.
And I'm looking at, well, just a little bit above freezing over here. So that's perfect. So let's crack on then with our questions. I know that you've had advanced notice of them, so I believe we're all set to go.
Yes. Indeed.
Perfect. So first, Amy, please, I'll start the clock.
Find the right button for that. It's got a new interface.
There we go. We're off. So, Amy, could you tell me, please, who is your ideal client?
02:30 AMY
Yes. My ideal client really is somebody who has a significant amount of corporate experience and wants to take the expertise they have and go independent.
So these are generally people earning in the six figure range, you know, give or take, and people who have five, ten, fifteen, or maybe even more years of experience.
So consultants get hired for their expertise, and you have to build a certain amount of that up before people are interested in hiring you.
Yeah. That's very interesting. Thank you. And so, what is it that what is the I mean, you solve more than one problem. I always think this question needs to be rewritten really. What is the problem you solve? But you probably solve more than one.
03:15 AMY
Well, it's really this wish that you described in my intro to have the freedom and flexibility to have the career that you deserve. So really to take control of your career. Some of us have been in positions where we feel there's been an acquisition or a change in management and we just never quite get that chance to demonstrate or contribute in the way that we wish. So I like to say that I liberate six figure earners by helping them build six figure consulting business.
And you are able to do that without sacrificing the career that most of us have spent so long building through all of our education and experience and our dedication to climbing that ladder.
Wow. Okay. That's amazing. Thank you so much. So I think I'm still digesting that, but we need to move to the next question; what is one valuable free action that the audience can implement that will help them to solve that problem themselves?
04:10 AMY – Valuable Free Action (VFA)
So the hardest part for every person who jumps off and starts their own independent consulting business is you might think, oh it's setting up the business or doing the work. It's not. The business setup piece when you're a solo consultant is; I don't have experience doing it in other countries like where you are in the UK, like I have in the US, but it's not an overwhelming burden. The administrative pieces are not a big job.
And doing the work, it's what we've all been doing throughout our careers, whether it's five you've been doing it for five years or thirty. We all know how to do what we're experts in. So that's not the issue. The challenge is keeping the pipeline full of high quality projects.
It's really that networking, marketing, business development. You know, I'm avoiding the word, sales because that's a little bit scary to any of us who weren't born and bred sales animals, but it's kind of that sales piece. And really, I believe that all business is about relationships.
So it's about developing relationships. It's about that outreach.
And I have a little, a little thing that I've put together that I call three action steps to generate revenue now. It's a very short, sweet three action steps that give you the best possible chance of bringing in a consulting project. So you don't necessarily, to start consulting, need to dramatically change your whole life and throw everything aside. You can kind of stick a toe in the water and just try and get one project. And I like to talk about the near term focus being land a project, get a check-in the bank. So really quickly, these three steps
First, put together your value proposition. That's a very fancy way of talking about what you're gonna sell. It's kind of your elevator pitch. Short and sweet, what is your service offering?
Second, make a list of all the people that you already know.
And I'm an engineer by background, so I attract a lot of, it's a stereotype, but it's true, introverted engineers who think, well, I'm an engineer. I don't know anybody. But if you really dig in, all of us have worked with and know a lot of people. Make your list.
And the third thing is get the word out. You have your little value proposition. You have your list of people. Get the word out.
You will be shocked how many people would be delighted to know, Robin, you're available for consulting work. I've worked with you before.
Let's talk about a project. It's really straightforward with those three easy steps.
Fabulous. And it all begins with the elevator speech, which people miss that all the time. It's such an important step, and it's really useful. So, cracking on with, we may come around full circle to that in a moment.
Let's talk about goal busting, meaning how do you make the best use of your productive time to achieve your own business goals, Amy? So can you share any tips or advice for someone looking to improve their productivity habits, please?
07:40 AMY – Valuable Productive Action (VPA)
Absolutely. I have two key things, whether it's for me in my own business or working with a multinational corporation.
The first thing is always be very clear about your priorities, and I insist on discrete priorities. And what that means is you can only have one number one.
So I always know my top three priorities. All of our time is fragmented these days.
It's here, there and everywhere. We're online, we're offline, we're in different time zones.
So any time that I sit down ready to work, whether it's at my desk or at the beach, I know my first priority. Now I like to have three because sometimes you just can't get into flow on number one. So I have two and three. So every time I have ten minutes or ten hours, I know exactly what I'm supposed to be doing.
The second one, the willingness to say no. If you don't make your decisions, your decisions make you. You can't do everything. So be mindful and accountable about what you're not going to do and what you are going to do.
Amazing. Yeah. Absolutely. I love that. So we we're nearly out of time, but I still need to ask you, what did I what should I have asked you today that I didn't? And your answer, please, Amy.
09:05 AMY
What do you need to get started? And I'm gonna jump in and answer.
Four things. It's very easy. A computer, a phone, brainpower, business experience.
It takes very little to dive in and start your own consulting business.
Look at that. We made it.
Look at that in exactly seven minutes. And, actually, you packed in, in my opinion, you packed in an hour's worth of education and information in there. And, if we weren't in this format, I'd so wanted to extrapolate more a lot more on the points that you were making because you we both know that this is a very quick format, but there's a lot of depth to the things that you were saying and a lot more information. So how can people get hold of you and find out more about what you do, please, Amy?
10:00 AMY Valuable Free Resource (VFR)
Sure. So my business name is Billable at the Beach®, which is kind of fun because I live in San Diego, pretty close to the beach. So your beach might be a fishing boat or a mountain top, but just where do you dream of being able to work from? So if you, I have a website, billableatthebeach.com there's lots of great resources there, a lot of free resources.
As far as social media, my main platform is LinkedIn because I'm attracting business people.
So if you search on billableatthebeach.com or AmyRasdel.com you'll find me the places where I am.
That's great. And I will put that, across the bottom of the video for people watching this on video. You've said it. And also anybody, if they wanna read the description that comes with the podcast, we'll create links in the description as well.
Terrific. Billable at the beach. That's very memorable, isn't it?
And then on the website, I have, I have a free email course that is that three action steps to generate awareness.
I was going to ask you about that – so that’s good!
Which I outlined, you know, super briefly, but there's a free, that's my lead my main lead magnet. I also have a webinar, but that's my main lead magnet that then takes people in more depth through those three steps.
Well, I mean, I'm tempted to go and get that now because I would like to read it.
Feel free.
I'm honestly as soon as we hang up, I'm gonna go and get that because that sounds really good.
It's really good - my sister's a therapist, and she's like, you know, modified it a little bit and use it. It's just a very simple way to do outreach for people who don't consider that their greatest strength. It's hard.
Yes. And once you know the basics, it might seem obvious, but the basics they're called basics because another word for them is essential.
You need to have this.
Yeah. And then those three action steps, those at this point, I'm completely focused on billable at the beach®. I'm not doing hands on consulting anymore.
But those made the foundation of my whole business development system. It's just a matter of making sure that people know you're out there and what you're doing. And you keep adding people to your list because I would have people, I was just talking to one of my people in my program yesterday and I said I would have people who are on my list for five, seven, ten years who I would send out that little blurb and they would call me and they'd say, Amy, I've been getting your little thing once a quarter for ten years. I have a problem.
I finally have something for you. I finally know, can we talk? And it was amazing because think how often somebody asks you for, do you know somebody who? And you're thinking, well, gosh, I've been around a long time.
I know a lot of people who I know I know somebody. Who is it? If somebody's been just a really quick email once every few months, you're more likely to remember them. It's really just kind of a memory jogger.
Absolutely. Brilliant.
It works really well. It's very simple.
That's what I call bonus material.
Amy, it's been an absolute pleasure and a joy and fascinating, and I really enjoyed your company and your information that you shared with us today. So Amy Rasdal, thank you so much.
Thanks for having me. I really appreciate being here today.
You're very welcome. Thank you, and bye bye.
13:22 OUTRO
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Robin J. Emdon is an accountability coach and creator of the GetResultsology® System, a comprehensive guide designed to help people overcome procrastination and achieve their goals.
Robin’s journey started in his family’s retail business, but he soon realised his true passion was empowering others. In 2001, he trained as a life coach in the U.S., which led him to specialise in accountability coaching and eventually create the GetResultsology® System.
During the 2020 pandemic, Robin faced his own challenge with procrastination. Despite years of coaching experience, he still struggled with distractions. Determined to find a solid, permanent solution, he developed the GetResultsology® System to help others and himself boost productivity.
Based in South Devon, England, Robin helps clients all over the world boost their income and profits by achieving extraordinary results through accountability coaching. In his spare time, he enjoys sharing his passion for local history.
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