Unlock your fullest potential and build your dream business - in just 7 minutes with Shauna Lynn Simon

Why you've got to check out today's episode

1. Accidental CEOs: Shauna Lynn works with passion-driven female entrepreneurs who started businesses based on their passions but now need structure and guidance to move forward.
2. Vision and Clarity: Building a clear vision helps entrepreneurs avoid distractions, manage chaos, and ensure they’re working towards the right goals.
3. Brain Dump Technique: Shauna Lynn suggests performing a brain dump of all ideas, then sorting and prioritising them to create a clear roadmap for growth.
4. Top Three Daily Tasks: Focus on just three key things each day to avoid distractions and accomplish what truly matters.
5. Stress Management: Entrepreneurs should integrate stress management into their daily routines by engaging the five senses and focusing on what they can control.


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In this episode Shauna Lynn Simon, a business strategist, author, and podcaster shares insights about working with passion-driven female entrepreneurs who have reached a sticking point in their business growth. She offers advice on how to build a clear business vision, prioritise tasks effectively, and manage stress. Shauna Lynn emphasises the importance of having a roadmap to avoid chaos, focusing on three core tasks daily, and practicing daily stress management techniques.

Check out these episode highlights:

• 00:22 Introduction of Shauna Lynn Simon
- Robin introduces Shauna as a business strategist, influencer, and podcast host.

• 01:37 Ideal Client
Shauna Lynn works with female entrepreneurs who started with passion but need help structuring their business.

• 02:37 Problem She Solves
Shauna Lynn helps entrepreneurs manage chaos, streamline processes, and focus on their business vision.

• 04:44 Valuable Free Action (VFA)

Brain Dump Technique for Vision - Shauna recommends doing a brain dump of ideas, then organizing and prioritizing them.

• 06:17 Valuable Productivity Action (VPA) - Top Three Daily Tasks for Productivity
- Focus on just three key tasks each day to stay on track.

• 07:31 Stress Management Techniques
- Shauna advises making stress management a daily practice, using the five senses to reset during stressful moments.

Shauna Lynn has a Valuable Free Resource (VFR) for you at https://aboutshaunalynn.com/getresults

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:


(Note, this was transcribed using transcription software and may not fully reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Welcome to the Goalbusters Expert Peak Productivity Tips podcast, where top business experts get just seven minutes to answer five rapid fire questions about what they do and how they stay productive.
Each episode is packed with actionable insights to help boost your efficiency and achieve your goals. Let's dive in and unlock the secrets to peak performance.

ROBIN 0:22
Welcome, everybody. My name is Robin j Endo, and I'm broadcasting to you today from the English Riviera here in Torquay in sort of sunny South Devon. And I'm joined today by Shauna Lynn Simon. She's a business strategist, influencer, author, and podcaster of the RWRB, Real Women Real Business podcast.
Whereabouts in the world are you, Shauna Lynn?

I'm actually located in, Canada. So I am about an hour outside of Toronto in Canada.
ROBIN 00:54
Oh, wonderful. Well, Toronto, I'm a Brit.

I’m actually towards the east side of it.

ROBIN 01:01
East Coast.


ROBIN 01:04
Almost fifty percent right.

We're not fully on the East Coast, but we're considered Eastern Canada.
So in Ontario, we're kind of the one of the biggest provinces, in the country, so kind of the main hub of Canada, I would say.

ROBIN 01:18

That's brilliant. Okay. So, if you're all set, then, I'll start the clock, and, we'll get straight into the questions.

Let's do it. Let's do it. I'm ready. Yeah.

ROBIN 01:30
There goes the clock. So first, who is your ideal client, Shauna Lynn?

So yeah. So I'm a business coach. So I tend to work with female entrepreneurs, and I call them, passion driven entrepreneurs, and that tends to be pretty traditional for females.
They've generally been in business for at least a couple of years. They've got a proven concept. They've been building their business, but they kind of reach a bit of a sticking point, and that's where I come in. Generally, they're what I call an accidental CEO.

So that's where the passion driven comes in. So they started a business because they had this passion, this idea, this, I'm gonna fill a gap in the in the world, and I'm gonna, you know, help others. And the challenge is that oftentimes they haven't taken the time to fully structure their business plan. And so I come in to help them to fill in those gaps of ensuring that we've got a sustainable business that we can actually grow.

ROBIN 02:24
That's great. So that kind of segues nicely into the you've already started answering the second question, which is what exactly is the problem that you solve? Do you want to fill that out a bit more? Have you covered that?

Yeah. No. I mean, I think, a lot of times what ends up happening is, you know, they've built this business, they get going a little bit, and they end up finding themselves sort of in a state of chaos. There's so many things on the to do list.

There's so much going on, and they can't figure out where to spend their time and their energy. And so I help them to organise all of that chaos. The one thing that I tend to focus on is helping them to build their vision so that we can understand exactly where it is that we're taking this business, and we have a clear roadmap for doing that. I think that that's one of the biggest things that causes the stress and the overwhelm in most of today's entrepreneurs and especially in female entrepreneurs wearing a bunch of different hats.

So I help them to really streamline all of that and ensure they're focusing on the right things, the priority things, and gaining back a little bit more of their time.

ROBIN 03:23
Yeah. That's brilliant.
And the word vision is in there, which is such a key. It’s really is something that you have to visualise and have clarity about. I'm right about that?

Yeah. I find that what ends up happening is, you know, we end up letting sort of society and our clients and other people dictate our business. I remember when I was first starting my business, the number of people that said to me, you know what you should do? And these were often mostly unqualified people who were saying, you know what you should do.

They weren't necessarily my ideal client. They weren't business strategists themselves. You know? So it was really interesting as I was building my first business, how many people were offering unsolicited advice.

And I found myself at times following it and thinking like, oh, there's a market here, only to find out there wasn't. So I think having that clear vision, understanding what is that we're building allows us to be able to say no to some of the opportunities that maybe don't align with the true path that we wanna take, what our true goals are. And it helps us to eliminate a lot of the busy work that we end up finding ourselves doing because we've said yes to too many things because they might sorta kind of relate to what we're working towards.

ROBIN 04:31
Yeah. Absolutely. That’s terrific. So, okay, so what is one Valuable Free Action (VFA) that the audience can implement that will help them solve that problem?

So one of the things that I recommend doing is what I call a brain dump of your vision because especially when you're a creative entrepreneur, which is what I tend to work with, when you're driven by your passion, it's easy to get caught up in that shiny object syndrome. There's just a million different ideas. There's all these things that come at you that you think you wanna do. So brain dump all of those.

Write them all down, and then actually sort through them and figure out which are the items that you're gonna prioritise first and then which ones are you gonna build on after that. There's some that will naturally kind of clump themselves together as these need to be done before I can move to the next step. This allows you to avoid skipping steps, skipping very important steps sometimes to get on your path and helps you to avoid kinda, like, skipping the line a little bit. So once you've brain dumped all of those items, sort them into, I say, three phases for that, and attach timelines to them that takes no more than three years.

I try to not look more than three years out because a lot can happen in three years, of course. But I find that once you have that vision laid out and written out, it makes it a lot easier to follow that road map, makes it easier for your team to understand what you're working towards, and makes it easier for you to understand what is it you're working towards as well.

ROBIN 05:52
Wow. Thank you. There's a lot to unpack in that, and I highly recommend it.
You can rewind if you didn't catch all that because, there was a lot. We've got two and a half minutes left, and so I will move on quickly to ask you if you can share any tips or advice, you're sharing loads already, for someone looking to improve their productivity habits. Maybe just one thing.

SHAUNA LYNN 06:17 - Valuable Productivity Action (VPA)
The one thing this is my number one tip that I give everyone is to focus on three things each day. So at the start of the day or perhaps the night before, identify what are the three things if I get nothing else done tomorrow, what are those three things that I wanna get done. And then it's not enough to just identify what they are, but write them down and create yourself a cheat sheet for them. So I recommend even just, like, an old school post it note on your computer.

So when you get distracted by social media or emails or a colleague that needs some help from you, you can take a look at that post it note and remind yourself what is you're supposed to be focusing on. Again, we have so many tasks on our to do list, and it's easy to sometimes just check off the, “oh, this will be a quick thing to be able to check off and get done”, but it doesn't move you closer to your goals. So what are the top three things each day that you wanna get done? Prioritise those.

If nothing else gets done, at least, you know, you've accomplished those three things.

ROBIN 07:09
Yeah. I was explaining to you just before we started recording that I I heard you give that tip, and I thought, you know what? I do that already, but I haven't really thought about it doing it in quite such a structured way. And that's brilliant. That's really, really useful.

It's so powerful. It's so powerful.

ROBIN 07:24
So we got we got we got one minute left.
So, what should I have asked you that I didn't?

You know what? I I like to talk about stress management as entrepreneurs because I think it's something that often gets overlooked when people say to me, like, how do I avoid the stress and the overwhelm? And the best way that you can do that is actually making stress management a daily habit. We often tend to find ourselves trying to figure out ways to navigate a stressful situation without the right tools in our toolbox. The way to do that is to make it muscle memory, so practicing stress management on a daily basis. This means ensuring that you are taking sufficient breaks, going for walks if you need to, clearing your mind, stop for a cup of tea maybe.

And the best way to be able to manage stress is to whenever you're feeling stressed, and do this again throughout the day, but when you're not feeling stressed, evoke your five senses. So go through each one of your five senses, and what can you do to evoke your taste, your sense of smell, your sense of sight, to help you to distract yourself from that situation. And then I know I've got just a few seconds left. Figure out what you can control and what you can't control. And for what you can't control, you gotta let go of all of it.

ROBIN 08:33
That's awesome. Thank you. And you did it in exactly seven minutes. Thank you so much.

We did it. Yeah.

ROBIN 08:37
We did it. That's really great. So, and I will be posting, along with the description of the podcast and also, underneath the video, the URL to a link so that people can find out more about your work, Shauna Lynn?

Perfect. So, thank you so much.

In fact, if you could just give a quick shout out for what the URL might be, that would be really good to have that included in the podcast.

Yeah. The best way to find me is about Shauna Lynn dot com. So Shauna Lynn is s h a u n a l y n n. So about ShaunaLynn dot com (results) is where you can find me and all the things I've got.

https://www.aboutshaunalynn.com/getresults - Valuable Free Resource

ROBIN 09:19
That's fantastic. Thank you so much.

Thank you.

OUTRO 09:27
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Robin J. Emdon is an accountability coach and creator of the GetResultsology® System, a comprehensive guide designed to help people overcome procrastination and achieve their goals.

Robin’s journey started in his family’s retail business, but he soon realised his true passion was empowering others. In 2001, he trained as a life coach in the U.S., which led him to specialise in accountability coaching and eventually create the GetResultsology® System.

During the 2020 pandemic, Robin faced his own challenge with procrastination. Despite years of coaching experience, he still struggled with distractions. Determined to find a solid, permanent solution, he developed the GetResultsology® System to help others and himself boost productivity.

Based in South Devon, England, Robin helps clients all over the world boost their income and profits by achieving extraordinary results through accountability coaching. In his spare time, he enjoys sharing his passion for local history.

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