Transform Your Mindset: From Self-Sabotage to Empowerment in Just 7 Minutes with Candice Ramsey

Why you've got to check out today's episode

1. Learn how to overcome self-limiting beliefs and unlock personal potential.

2. Gain expert tips on improving leadership team dynamics and communication.

3. Discover powerful productivity strategies like intentionality and taking breaks.

4. Get practical advice on reframing failure and rejection to boost resilience.

5. Access a free 30-day guided self-mastery journal for deeper self-reflection.


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In this episode of Goalbusters, Robin J. Emdon speaks with Candice Ramsey, a licensed therapist and CEO of Mahogany Coaching and Consulting. Candice shares insights on overcoming self-limiting beliefs, leadership team dynamics, and tips for boosting productivity. She emphasizes self-reflection, intentionality over busyness, and shifting mindsets toward empowerment.

Check out these episode highlights:

02:20 Ideal clients:

Include driven women and leadership teams struggling with low morale and poor communication.

03:17 Core Problem Solved: 

Candice helps individuals overcome self-limiting beliefs like self-doubt and fear of failure, preventing them from reaching their potential. Leadership teams often struggle with trust and cohesion, which Candice helps them rebuild for better productivity and collaboration.

05:06 Valuable Free Action (VFA)

Daily self-reflection is a powerful tool to increase self-awareness and break patterns of self-sabotage.

06:40 Valuable Productivity Action (VFA)

Candice emphasizes "intentionality over busyness" as a key productivity strategy to avoid burnout.

08:12 A mindset shift:

Seeing failure as feedback and rejection as redirection—can empower individuals to move forward with confidence.

Candice can be reached at

She has Valuable Free Resource (VFR) for you at

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:


(Note, this was transcribed using transcription software and may not fully reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Welcome to the Goalbusters Expert Peak Productivity Tips podcast, where top business experts get just seven minutes to answer five rapid fire questions about what they do and how they stay productive.

Each episode is packed with actionable insights to help boost your efficiency and achieve your goals. Let's dive in and unlock the secrets to peak performance.

ROBIN 0:22

Well, hello, everybody, and welcome to Goalbusters. My name is Robin J. Emdon, and I'm here in sunny Torquay in Devon, England. And my guest today on this episode, we're joined by Candice Ramsey, a certified professional coach, licensed therapist, and founder and CEO of Mahogany Coaching and Consulting.

With over fifteen years of experience, Candice has coached over four hundred leaders using her expertise in psychological tools like the Enneagram and Myers-Briggs to help individuals and organizations unlock their potential.
She is passionate about empowering others to break self-limiting patterns, align with their authentic leadership style, and achieve transformative personal and professional growth. Candice, welcome!


Thank you so much for having me.


Oh, you're very welcome. Thank you for coming on to the podcast. Whereabouts are you, Candice?


So I am in New Jersey on the eastern coast of the US.


Oh, fabulous. And so it's afternoon for me, and it's morning for you?


That is correct.
Morning for me.


Being British I'm asking, what's the weather like?


So if I wanted to try out my Celsius, I'd say it's twenty or nineteen

Oh, it's about the same here, actually.
So oh, brilliant. Yeah. Very good. Nice stab at it. You're in the right area. Absolutely.

So we'll move on to the questions.
I'll just set the clock going. We've got seven minutes to answer five questions. You've had sight of the questions, so they won't come as a total shock to you and hopefully your answers will be helpful and enlightening for our listeners and viewers.

So, I'll start the clock and ask you, Candice, who is your ideal client?

So I actually have two ideal clients. And my first one is a woman who is, she's driven, yet she feels trapped by self-sabotaging behaviours.
She sometimes finds that she's unable to really fully, truly embrace her personal and professional potential.

And my other ideal client, similarly, they're leadership teams. And within these leadership teams, morale might be low. They may have poor communication.
And sometimes they find that interpersonal conflicts create barriers to their productivity and success. And the similarity between the two is that both my individuals and my teams are ready to embrace change, but they need guidance to unlock their potential.

ROBIN 03:17

Very interesting. Yeah. That that I like the two dynamics there that you've got going on. So what it so, obviously, you've covered it kind of in the first question, but can you elaborate more on the problems that you solve, please?


Indeed. Yeah.
So the problem that I solve is it's really twofold. So first, I help individuals overcome self-limiting beliefs, and some of the behaviours that prevent them from really reaching their true potential. Right? So my clients tend to struggle with, things like soft doubt, fear of failure, and really they tend to have pressure to meet external expectations.
All of these things tend to prevent them from making bold decisions and living as their authentic self. A lot of the women that I serve, they're actually kind of in this sandwich generation where they are caregivers to their parents and they also maybe have children. And so it's hard for them to put themselves first. 

And then on the other side, I work with leadership teams and they tend to be hindered by low morale, miscommunication, and then sometimes unresolved, interpersonal conflicts.
And these teams, they often lack cohesion and trust. And, you know, if you don't have cohesion and trust with the people that you're working with, it can lead to productivity issues. It could lead to stagnation. And so what I do is I guide them and I navigate them through team dynamics, and we create a culture where leadership and collaboration thrive.


That's such a skill set to have working with teams because every team is completely unique.
Absolutely. Unique. And to actually to work through and get everybody on the team moving in the same direction and feeling fulfilled and happy with what they're doing, That's a real skill set that that I find very impressive that people can do that.


Yeah. Indeed. Thank you.

ROBIN 05:06 Valuable Free Action (VFA)

Yeah. Thank you. So, what is one valuable free action that our audience could implement that will help them solve the kinds of problems that you deal with?


Yeah. Yeah. This is a great question.
So one simple yet powerful action that I tell people they can implement immediately is to practice daily self-reflection.
And so people come home from work and we plop down on the sofa, we might pour a glass of wine or a beer and we turn the TV on. Right? And so if you come home from work and you spend five to ten minutes each day reflecting on your actions and your decisions, and even to take it a step further, maybe journal about your thoughts. Right? So this habit can really help you identify patterns of self sabotage. It can help improve your self-awareness, and it can really, help you start to make more conscious decisions that are aligned with your goal. 

And, really quickly to give your audience examples of quick reflection questions, you can think about what worked well today with my interpersonal interactions.

What did I struggle with? Or what excuses did I make today? Or maybe how did I hold myself back? So any questions like that. And just to add one more little thing, get outside and do it. Get into some fresh air.

Take a walk and reflect for about five to ten.


You you clearly don't live in England with struggle with rain. No. That's very good advice. You're right.
Get out. Get out of the house. Brilliant. Yeah. Perfect.

06:40 Valuable Productivity Action (VFA)

Thank you. That's very valuable. So my angle is all about procrastination, overcoming that, and getting more productive, and everybody has their own ways of getting more productive. So can you share any tips or advice for someone looking to improve their productivity habits, please?


Yeah. So I have two. Apparently, there's this duality. I feel like I have two of everything.
The first one is to focus on intentionality over busyness. Right? As a business owner, I've learned, there's a lot of things I can do, but which are the things that are gonna make the most impact to move me closer to my goals? So if I focus on just trying to be busy and doing all the things, it leads to burnout, and then crashing and burning leads to zero productivity. Right?
And that also leads me to my second productivity tip. And this probably helps for you, Robin, with procrastination.
Take frequent breaks. It might seem counterintuitive to take breaks when you wanna be productive, but taking real intentional breaks, it reignites your creativity, and it decreases the chance of burnout and procrastination.


I love that. Both of those are two for one as well. That's double your value. I particularly like your phrase intentionality over busyness. I might have to steal that and put it in my book.
Sorry about that.
I hope it's not trademarked.


No. It's not.


That's very good.


Spread it across the globe. I love it.


Yeah. It's very good. It's a solid piece of advice that's been written about in many different ways, but intentionality over busyness. Love that. Excellent.
So thank you, Candice. What should I have asked you today that I didn't, and obviously, what's the answer?


So a great question would be, what's a mindset shift that can help someone move to a state of empowerment? Since I do a lot of mindset work. And my answer to that would be, I have two mental reframes that I think are great. One is reframe failure as feedback and reframe rejection as redirection.

When you do this, you remove the power that failure and rejection have over your life and their ability to hold you back.
One thing that I truly believe is that it's always progress over perfection.


Fabulous. And there's, but you've packed such a lot in such a lot into a very short answer. Gonna have to rewind that and listen to it again because that was really interesting. I make notes, and I would encourage my listeners to do the same because Yeah.
There's always something so simply stated... can be both memorable and it goes in, and also you get the you get the full concept, and it goes in and you can live it and work with it. So thank you so much, Candice. 

And we did it in just the seven minutes! That's brilliant. Thank you very much, Candice. 

So how can people find you on the web, please, Candice? You have a website, I presume. What's your website?


Indeed. Yeah. So my website is, So that's m a h o g a n y c c dot com.


Perfect. Thank you so much. And, also you've told me beforehand that you've lined up something that you can give people, and we'll put a link, below the podcast and description and also on the YouTube page so that because it's too long to be described here. It would be like reading off the alphabet and jumbled up alphabet at that. So but I will put that make sure people have got that link.

I'll put links both to that and to a direct link to your website.


Thank you. And that's a thirty day guided, journal. So it's a I did self-mastery journal, and I think your listeners will really enjoy it.


Never mind them. I'm getting my own.




Candice, it's been an absolute pleasure.
Thank you so much. That was hugely valuable information packed into just seven minutes. Real value today. Thank you ever so much, and it's wonderful to meet you. Thank you, Candice.


Thank you so much, Robin. Thank you for having me.

OUTRO: 11:00
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Robin J. Emdon is an accountability coach and creator of the GetResultsology® System, a comprehensive guide designed to help people overcome procrastination and achieve their goals.

Robin’s journey started in his family’s retail business, but he soon realised his true passion was empowering others. In 2001, he trained as a life coach in the U.S., which led him to specialise in accountability coaching and eventually create the GetResultsology® System.

During the 2020 pandemic, Robin faced his own challenge with procrastination. Despite years of coaching experience, he still struggled with distractions. Determined to find a solid, permanent solution, he developed the GetResultsology® System to help others and himself boost productivity.

Based in South Devon, England, Robin helps clients all over the world boost their income and profits by achieving extraordinary results through accountability coaching. In his spare time, he enjoys sharing his passion for local history.

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