Automate Success with Email Funnels
in Just 7 Minutes with Allison Hardy

Why you've got to check out today's episode

1.  Learn how to escape the stressful live launch cycle for good.
2. Discover how automation and email funnels can boost your sales predictably.
3. Get insider tips on creating engaging and consistent email marketing.
4. Hear about an $80K email template that’s a game-changer for conversions.
5. Walk away with actionable advice to streamline your business and save time.


Allison's Valuable Free Resource (VFR):


Allison Hardy shares how email funnels can help solopreneurs break free from the live launch grind and create predictable income streams. With actionable tips on automation, audience connection, and her $80K email template, this episode is packed with insights to grow your business without burnout.

Check out these episode highlights:

02: 15 Ideal Client: Coaches and experts running transformational knowledge-based businesses who want to scale.

02:44 Problem Solved: Helping clients transition from stressful live launches to selling passively through email funnels.

03:20 Valuable Free Action (VFA): Start sending consistent emails with a simple, automated funnel that builds trust and drives sales.

04:45 Valuable Productive Action (VPA): Use paid ads like Facebook/Instagram to generate predictable, high-quality leads for your funnels.

10:25 Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Download Allison’s $80,000 email template to enhance your email strategy.

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:


(Note, this was transcribed using transcription software and may not fully reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Welcome to the Goalbusters Expert Peak Productivity Tips podcast, where top business experts get just seven minutes to answer five rapid fire questions about what they do and how they stay productive.

Each episode is packed with actionable insights to help boost your efficiency and achieve your goals. Let's dive in and unlock the secrets to peak performance.

00:22 ROBIN

Well, hello, everyone. I'm Robin J. Emdon, creator of the Get Resultsology system and an accountability coach. I help people harness productivity to achieve meaningful results, increase income, grow their business, and create success that resonates with their authentic selves.

My guest today is Allison Hardy. Allison is a seasoned entrepreneur, host of the Six Figure Secrets podcast, and a master of building profitable businesses while prioritizing balance and family.

Over the past decade, she's navigated multiple ventures from product based businesses to coaching and digital products, making and learning from every mistake along the way. After rebuilding her business from scratch during a time of financial and personal hardship, Allison discovered the power of automation and email funnels to create success without burnout. Today, she empowers women to design thriving businesses that honour their health, relationships, and self-worth.

Allison, welcome.

Hi. Thank you so much for having me, Robin.

Oh, you're very, very welcome indeed. And whereabouts are you, please, Allison?

I live in Arlington, Virginia. So I'm right outside of Washington, DC.

Oh right. And so you're about five hours behind me, I think we established?

Yes. So you're in the future. So if anything happens today that I need to know about, if you could let me know, that'd be great.

You're stealing my material now. Perfect. Yeah.

Absolutely right. I will let you know if anything's gonna happen, especially if it's good. Okay then. So shall we crack on with the questions, Allison? Are you all set for us to do that?

Oh, I'm ready.

Okay. So we'll just start the clock.

There it goes. So, Allison, first, let's talk about what you do. Allison, who is your ideal client, please?

02:15 ALLISON – Ideal Client

My ideal client is someone who is really, really good at working with their clients. So they are coaches. They're experts. They have some sort of knowledge based business. They help their clients do some sort of transformational thing, and they want to do more of that. They want to sell more of their offer to their audience.

Excellent. So you kind of touched on the topic of the next question, which is what is the problem you solve? And I figured you probably solve more than one.

02:44 ALLISON – Problem Solved

Yeah. A lot of my clients are riding the live launch roller coaster. So they open the doors to their programs three, four times a year. It's a huge launch. It's stressful. It's high pressure.

And while they see the validity in that and they wanna keep doing that, they want another way to sell outside of that. And so that's what I help them to do. I help them to sell passively.

Brilliant. That sounds excellent. Very useful service indeed. So what is one valuable free action that the audience can implement that will help them to solve that problem themselves?

03:20 ALLISON – Valuable Free Action (VFA)
Yeah. So if you're riding the live the live launch roller coaster and you wanna get off of it, if you're like, I wanna sell outside of the three to four times a year where I open up the doors to my program, start emailing your audience.

You can create a very simple email funnel that brings your people on a journey with you that is automated, that you don't have to touch, that sells for you. So connect with your audience.

Help them have a quick win. Shift their minds because when they shift their minds, they think differently, and then they do differently.
Get them, you know, used to having you in their inboxes because let's call it like it is. That's where people buy. People aren't buying off of social media like they buy out of email. So if you're going to implement this system, use a platform that is actually designed for sales, and that's email marketing.

That's brilliant. That all ties in nicely with the know me, like me, trust me philosophy, doesn't it?

Yes. Absolutely. It's a wonderful way to be consistent, to show up in people's inboxes, to serve them that doesn't require you to show up at a certain place in a certain time.

Excellent. Thank you. Very, very good and powerful advice, and that's some advice I need to take myself.

So now that we know a little bit more about what you do, let's talk about goal busting. Meaning, how do you make the best use of your productive time, Allison, to achieve your own business goals?

04:45 ALLISON – Valuable Productive Action (VPA)
Yeah. I automate every single thing I can automate. So for me, a big pain point I had a while ago was, lead generation. I just couldn't get the amount of people that I needed inside of my email marketing, inside of my email funnel to produce the results that I wanted.

I needed more people. So, you know, instead of, like, posting on Instagram and crossing your fingers and eyes in total, is it, like, the right person sees it at the right time, and they're in the mood to, like, convert into, like, downloading a lead magnet? I was like, what's a way that I can just present myself in front of audiences that want and need my help? And so that's where Facebook and Instagram ads came in for me.

So for me, having that system in place, having that tool that generates leads every single day and that I can predict, I'm gonna spend this amount of money. I'm gonna get this amount of leads, but because my funnel converts at this number, I know I'm gonna make this amount of money on the back end. Like, that works for me. So it helped me to really achieve my goals in a faster, more streamlined way that is super predictable, and that's really, like, one of my number one motivators is predictability in my business.

That's excellent. And fair play to you for mastering Facebook and Instagram advertising. For me, that's like a black hole of I don't understand how to make that work.

So You know, I mastered it first, and then I outsourced it.

Yeah. Absolutely! Well, yeah. Outsourcing is the holy grail, isn't it? But, mastering it, I admire you, considerably for achieving that because you can lose your shirt if you get it wrong.

100 percent. Yes.

But on the other hand, your point is if you have that reliable equation where you put X in, then you're likely to, or more than likely to get Y out, and Y is more is more leads at an affordable price.

That's brilliant. I admire that very much, Allison. Thank you.

So, okay. So what that leaves us with then what is my favourite question, because we've charged through, and I feel like I've already learned so much.

So what should I have asked you today, Allison, that I didn't and your answer as well, please?

Oh, what is a common mistake that I see with email marketing? And so there's a couple of answers here.

Number one is not showing up consistently in people's inboxes. So you're only emailing people… I had a client tell me once, and she's like, I only email my audience two times a month, and I wonder why nobody ever does anything. Because they don't know who you are. Like, you're not a familiar face in inboxes.

So you need to be consistent.

And consistency, like, let's call it like this. There needs to be, like, a certain number of emails that you send every month. So, like, if you're not sending anything, maybe try once every week. Like, maybe that's your goal.

And then once you kind of master that and build that muscle, maybe it's two times a week. And you continue to bump it up until, you know, it's serving them and working for you. So that's the number one thing.

The number two thing, I would say, is not having a strong call to action.

While your emails, I'm sure, are awesome because you're an expert. You do amazing things with your clients. You're giving amazing value. You have to create a culture of clicking in your emails because think about it.

If you're eventually gonna send out sales emails, people have to click in order to go over to your sales page to buy. Right? So if you're not creating that culture of clicking from the beginning of establishing this relationship with your audience, that pitch portion will not be successful because they have not gotten used to clicking from you.

So send them to podcast episodes. Write a blog post. Ask them to register for something. You know, maybe you're doing a webinar or something like that. Like, get and create a culture of clicking very early on in your relationship with them so that that culture is established. It's there so that when you ask them to buy something, they're already used to doing that with you.

Excellent advice. All superb advice. And I I while you were talking about that, you mentioned about, you know, get a regular amount off. So if it's once a week works for you. I think on the other side of the coin, sometimes people are afraid that they might send too much and people will unsubscribe.

And I knew a guy once who used to send a minimum of two or three a day. And I asked him, what do you do about all the people that are unsubscribing? And he said, well, they're not interested in me anyway. I don't really care.

Exactly. Yeah.

You know, if they get me, if they like my material, they'll stay subscribed, and they know they're gonna get two or three emails a day. So I'm not personally, I'm not saying whether I would advocate for two or three emails a day, but I'm just saying that the consistency… you mustn't be put off by the fact that some people will unsubscribe. Not everybody's gonna want your material. That's okay.

And that's okay. That's a good thing because, like, you pay for your email subscribers. So, like, if you have less people off your list, you're probably not gonna have as much of a fee every month with your email service provider. So if we think about it from that, it's like, okay. Cool. You're saving me money by unsubscribing. So let me go. Lesson reads.

I've just moved my supplier for that very reason. It's a very sore point and a very good point too. Absolutely.
Thank you, Alison, that was brilliant. So, Alison, how could people get hold of you? And I always like to ask, is there like a nice valuable free resource they could obtain if they come to your website as well? We'll put the link on the video and we'll also put it in any descriptions that go with the video as well.

10:25 ALLISON – Valuable Free Resource (VFR)
Amazing. Yeah. Thank you for allowing me to share. So I have a template. It's called the $80,000 email template. It was directly responsible for bringing in $80,000 in sales this year.

So I'd love for you to download it. You can find it at and it'll give you a copy and paste template that you can use inside of your email marketing. It's gonna be a little surprising.

You're like, this is this is a very unusual email. So, you'll find that out when you download it. But it'll give you a copy and paste template. You can plug it into your email marketing.

You can send it out, and you can see how it works for you.

I almost thought I heard you say you can download the 80,000, but that that's not quite what you said. That's just wishful thinking on my part.

But I'm definitely going to download the PDF. That sounds brilliant. I'm definitely going to do that. I will be, it's like you're almost speaking directly to me personally.

Like, yes, please. I want that. Thank you very much. I'll take that.

Yeah. Of course.

Alison, that's wonderful. Thank you so much for your expertise today. I feel like I've been really well educated. I feel and… I'm sure we could have talked… I would happily have talked to you for another hour or two picking your brain, but we've only had 7 minutes of your time today, and it's been wonderful. Thank you so much, Alison.

Thank you for having me.

You're very welcome. Thank you, and bye bye.

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Robin J. Emdon is an accountability coach and creator of the GetResultsology® System, a comprehensive guide designed to help people overcome procrastination and achieve their goals.

Robin’s journey started in his family’s retail business, but he soon realised his true passion was empowering others. In 2001, he trained as a life coach in the U.S., which led him to specialise in accountability coaching and eventually create the GetResultsology® System.

During the 2020 pandemic, Robin faced his own challenge with procrastination. Despite years of coaching experience, he still struggled with distractions. Determined to find a solid, permanent solution, he developed the GetResultsology® System to help others and himself boost productivity.

Based in South Devon, England, Robin helps clients all over the world boost their income and profits by achieving extraordinary results through accountability coaching. In his spare time, he enjoys sharing his passion for local history.

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