How to Free up Energy to Create What You Really Want - In Just 7 Minutes with Kathi Sohn

Why you've got to check out today's episode

1. Kathi Sohn's Expertise: Specialises in identifying and addressing core beliefs formed before the age of seven, which influence adult behaviour and productivity.
2. Core Beliefs Impact: These beliefs, often formed without logic, lead people to feel stuck or attribute their challenges to external factors. Sohn helps clients turn inward for solutions.
3. Procrastination Link: Sohn connects procrastination with deeper core beliefs, particularly those rooted in early life crises or birth emergencies.
4. Birth Script Concept: Kathi advocates exploring what happened at birth to uncover potential patterns of emergency-prone behaviour and procrastination.
5. Valuable Productivity Action (VPA): Align with your core purpose and mission to overcome feelings of disconnection, which can negatively impact productivity.
6. Universal Application: Even those with seemingly happy lives can benefit from re-examining their core beliefs to achieve greater growth and well-being.


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This episode features Kathi Sohn, an author and coach, discussing her expertise in helping clients overcome personal crises and become more productive by addressing core beliefs formed during early childhood. Her approach focuses on self-reflection, getting "unstuck," and recognising the deep-seated patterns that influence behaviour and decision-making. Sohn emphasises the importance of understanding one's "birth script" and core life purpose to boost productivity and personal growth.

Check out these episode highlights:

• 00:35 Introduction of Kathi Sohn
Kathi Sohn is introduced as an author and personal coach based in Northern Alabama, and Robin highlights her book, You Made It Up, Now Stop Believing It, as well as her Hero's Journey Personal Coaching Program.

• 01:40 Ideal Client Description
Kathi describes her ideal client as someone who feels stuck but has the wisdom to realise they can turn within for answers. She emphasises that all change starts from within and encourages clients to dig deeper into themselves.

• 03:09 Core Beliefs Formed in Childhood
Kathi discusses how core beliefs are formed before the age of seven and how they shape a person’s view of themselves, others, and life. She explains how these beliefs, often based on misconceptions, can lead to challenges in health, relationships, and finances.

• 04:30 Comfort Zone vs. Crisis
Kathi warns that being in a comfort zone can be more dangerous than being in a crisis because complacency prevents growth. In crisis, people tend to seek change, while in comfort zones, they settle for "okay."

• 05:45 Valuable Free Action (VFA)

The Power of Your Birth Script
Kathi shares the concept of the "birth script," explaining how events surrounding a person’s birth can impact their life, including patterns like procrastination. She links the emotional experience of birth to behaviours in adulthood.

• 06:55 Valuable Productivity Action (VPA)
Kathi emphasises the importance of reconnecting with one's core purpose and mission to boost productivity and combat feelings of depression. She encourages listeners to seek alignment with their purpose in both personal and professional life.

• 07:32 Importance of Examining Core Beliefs
Kathi explains that even if someone believes they had a happy childhood or think their life is great, it’s still important to examine core beliefs because they shape one's actions and emotional responses.

Kathi has a Valuable Free Resource (VFA) to give you. Click here:

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:


(Note, this was transcribed using transcription software and may not fully reflect the exact words used in the podcast)


Welcome to the Goalbusters Expert Peak Productivity Tips podcast, where top business experts get just seven minutes to answer five rapid fire questions about what they do and how they stay productive.

Each episode is packed with actionable insights to help boost your efficiency and achieve your goals. Let's dive in and unlock the secrets to peak performance.

ROBIN 00:21

Well, hi, everybody. My name is Robin J. Emdon, and I'm broadcasting to you today from the English Riviera here in sunny Torquay in South Devon, England. And I'm joined today by Kathi Sohn. Whereabouts are you, Kathi?

KATHI 00:35

I am in Northern Alabama.

Northern Alabama.

ROBIN 00:41

And what's the weather like today? I know it's an English thing to ask.

KATHI 00:43

It's actually quite cool. I was getting gas after I dropped my kids off from school, and I was like, wait a minute. It's cool this morning. But probably the first morning that, we've had a very, very hot in the high nineties summer, which is difficult.

ROBIN 00:59

Yes. I was I was hearing about that and was praying that we didn't get it over here. Although we don't call it the high nineties here, we call it the high thirties.

KATHI 01:12


Of course.

ROBIN 01:10

So Kathi is, is an author, a brilliant book called, You Made It Up, Now Stop Believing It. And you also, run your own program called The Hero's Journey Personal Coaching Program.

And so, Kathi, if you're all set, I will start the clock and, ask you four or five questions, and we're away. So, Kathi, let's talk about what you do.

Who is your ideal client?

KATHI 01:40

So, you know, how a lot of people, they know they wanna make a change, but they feel stuck. You know? They think, well, it's just because of, I don't know, the economy, my boss, you know, whatever it is.

My ideal client is someone who has a problem, but they have the wisdom to realize that they can turn within for answers.

It's so easy for people to lay the blame on circumstances, events, you know, other people, conditions.

But what is important to realize is that when you do that, you are actually also giving away the place of power to make the change. All change, no matter what it looks like, starts, from within. So my ideal client comes to me already realizing that, yes, I know I need to look at myself more deeply. And they also understand that while it's it's it's not good to dwell on the past, it's important to learn from it. And you can't bury it because it will follow you. It will find ways to become known. And that if you take a more proactive approach and do some digging and learn and move on, then you can avoid a lot of problems.

ROBIN 02:58

Which segues nicely into the second question, which is what is the problem that you solve? You kinda you have already alluded to that, of course. So if you can elaborate on that, by all means.

KATHI 03:09

So my expertise is in the core beliefs that we create before we're even seven years old about ourselves, about other people, and about life.

We, you know, we jump to these conclusions just based upon, you know, what we're observing and what we're experiencing, but we don't really understand. We're not logical.

And so we tend to think we make these connections that really aren't true.

A lot of times, the connection between something that's happened in ourselves. Like, it's all my fault, I think, is a belief that everybody has brought with them from from childhood, this sort of guilt.

So because core beliefs are fundamental to everything, it's kinda funny that I can say that I can help everyone with every problem that they might possibly arise. Now that's very difficult to manage. So I do my best to really kinda break it down to explain to people what I can help with, and that includes, getting unstuck from personal crisis. So these repeat patterns of, sometimes they show up more in health, in relationships, sometimes more in finances depending upon where those beliefs are really centered.

I also help people to get kinda out of their comfort zone, which is actually a more dangerous place than being in in crisis.

Because in crisis, you kinda get sick and tired of being sick and tired, but in your comfort zone, you're just like, yeah. You know, everything's really, not the best, but it's okay.

So I help people to get unstuck from that, Also, to get rid of unwanted habits, and your listeners might be interested in, such such habits such as procrastination, like avoiding things like goal setting or just being kind of chronically late in those things that can kinda interfere with productivity.

And and the way that I also deal with this more general, I can help everything with everyone with everything, is I'm creating, tailored resources now for people with specific issues. The one I just finished is for parents to work, for example, with their, adolescent children to help them to discover their core beliefs.

ROBIN 05:23

That's that's awesome. Thank you. That's there's a lot to unpack there, and I I recommend listeners maybe rewind and relisten to that again because there's so much in so much great information in there. Thank you.

So we've got three minutes left for three questions. We can do it. 

What is one valuable free action that the audience can implement that will help them solve that problem?

KATHI 05:45

Okay. I would invite everyone to take a look at what we call your birth script. So if your mom is still around and available or any relative who is present at your birth, what happened at your birth is incredibly important.

A lot of people birth is already considered an emergency. But if your birth was an actual emergency, you can have more emergencies in your life than the most than most people. And, if you don't have enough, you can actually create some from yourself through something called procrastination.

Again, really gets in the way of productivity.

And what people don't, don't realize is that when they're procrastinating, they're actually creating that emergency where especially if you have a deadline, where right at the last minute, you gotta make this big push. I'm speaking from experience. Like, if you look up procrastinator, my picture is in a dictionary. Right? I've been working through a lot of that.

But my birth was an extreme emergency, and, yeah, it's very, very powerful about what happened at your birth.

ROBIN 06:45

Indeed. Thank you. And can you share any tips or advice for someone looking to improve their productivity habits?

KATHI 06:55 - Valuable Productivity Action

I would suggest that you get in touch with what is your your real core purpose and mission in life.

So here we something recently that they're treating people for depression by reconnecting them with their purpose.

People get disconnected because they get caught up in the in the hustle and grind of day to day, and then we, like, kinda forget. Or we have a mundane job and you don't realize that there's still a purpose under that. And if you're not finding it, then it's time to move on to a new job.

ROBIN 07:23

That's absolutely brilliant. I completely resonate every word of what you've just said. Absolutely fantastic. So, finally, we got one minute left. What should I have asked you that I didn't?

KATHI 07:32


So I think one of the sometimes people are wondering is, you know, if even if I think I had a happy childhood or if I think my life is really great, is it important for me to look at my core belief system? And I would say absolutely yes because we mostly traumatize ourselves. It's yeah, our parents can traumatize us and we and this and that.

But, really, it's about the decisions that we make based on the limited information that we have. So there, you know, there can be good beliefs. I'm always happy as an example. Well, that sounds like that would be great, but then you can't really mourn in a way that's healthy because you got this belief, I'm always happy.

Somebody told me, you're always happy. And I'm like, yeah. I'm always happy. So I gotta put this false face on all the time.

So, yes, it is important to look at your beliefs, and your life can always improve. There's always more that you can do to contribute. Lots of problems out there we can help with.

ROBIN 08:37

Fabulous. Look at that. Exactly seven minutes. Wonderful!

And and so much, great information in there. You really packed that in. Thank you so much. I  feel like we've just, like, had a half an hour, maybe an hour's worth of material packed into half a dozen minutes. So, how can people reach you, on on the Internet, Kathi?

KATHI 08:53

Sure. You can go to, and I'll spell that because my name is spelled specifically K A T H I dot com.

ROBIN 09:04 

That's wonderful. Right. Well, thank you so much. That's been amazing. I'm looking forward to actually having a quick chat with you afterwards because there's so many questions I've got that I would love to ask.

And if people want to ask you the same questions, go to KathiSohn dot com. And it's actually a brilliant little website. I was looking at it yesterday and this morning and, was getting quite wrapped up in it. So thank you very much indeed Kathy Sohn.

KATHI 09:30

Thank you, Robin.

OUTRO 09:31

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Robin J. Emdon is an accountability coach and creator of the GetResultsology® System, a comprehensive guide designed to help people overcome procrastination and achieve their goals.

Robin’s journey started in his family’s retail business, but he soon realised his true passion was empowering others. In 2001, he trained as a life coach in the U.S., which led him to specialise in accountability coaching and eventually create the GetResultsology® System.

During the 2020 pandemic, Robin faced his own challenge with procrastination. Despite years of coaching experience, he still struggled with distractions. Determined to find a solid, permanent solution, he developed the GetResultsology® System to help others and himself boost productivity.

Based in South Devon, England, Robin helps clients all over the world boost their income and profits by achieving extraordinary results through accountability coaching. In his spare time, he enjoys sharing his passion for local history.

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