Why you've got to check out today's episode
1. Expert Insight: Tracy shares the two critical foundations every business owner needs for success.
2. Valuable Free Resource (VFA):
Get access to Tracy’s free financial toolkit that will help you understand and master your business numbers.
3. Valuable Productivity Action (VPA):
Learn Tracy’s top strategy for managing time efficiently—perfect for procrastinators.
4. Personal & Professional Balance:
Discover how Tracy schedules personal time first and uses deadlines to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
5. Inspiring Story:
Hear how Tracy went from burnout to building a successful business helping others do the same.
Tracy's Website...
Get your Valuable Free Resource (VFR) here...
Tracy Irwin, best-selling author and business mentor, shares how to build solid foundations for your business. From financial clarity to productivity hacks, Tracy helps entrepreneurs gain time and profit. Tune in for actionable tips and a free financial toolkit to boost your business success.
01:57 Ideal Client: Health industry professionals, like gym owners and chiropractors, who want more time and profit from their business.
02:55 Problem Solved: Tracy helps business owners establish solid foundations—like understanding numbers—before automation.
04:09 Valuable Free Action (VFA): Tracy offers a **free financial toolkit** with six videos that teach you what business numbers to track and why.
05:38 Valuable Productivity Action (VPA)—Set deadlines for every task and schedule personal priorities first in your calendar.
08:00 Passion for Business Owners to pay themselves well: Tracy’s mission is to help entrepreneurs, especially those who don’t pay themselves enough, to become sustainably profitable.
(Note, this was transcribed using transcription software and may not fully reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Welcome to the Goalbusters Expert Peak Productivity Tips podcast, where top business experts get just seven minutes to answer five rapid fire questions about what they do and how they stay productive.
Each episode is packed with actionable insights to help boost your efficiency and achieve your goals. Let's dive in and unlock the secrets to peak performance.
ROBIN 0:22
This week, I'm joined by Tracy Irwin, who is a best selling author, entrepreneur, and business mentor.
Her passion is helping business owners gain time freedom, whilst growing their businesses.
With a wealth of experience and a best selling book, Tracy's journey from burnout to success offers valuable insights to entrepreneurs everywhere. Tracy, welcome.
Thank you very much. Thanks for having me.
Oh, you're very welcome indeed. It's really nice to meet you. And so where about are you today, Tracy?
So I'm I'm in Alicante in Spain right now. I moved here eight years ago from, the late district in Cumbia.
I was gonna say that's not a Spanish accent you've got there. I can tell the difference.
I also can speak a little Spanish too if you like.
Yeah. It wouldn't it wouldn't mean anything. It literally wouldn't mean anything.
It'd be very nice to see it here, though. It's a lovely language. So I'm in Torquay in Devon, so I shall wave at you across the channel and across France, and eventually, you'll see it sometime next week.
So, Tracy, shall we shall we go straight into the questions for our listeners?
Yes. Why not.
So I will start the clock. We've got seven minutes to answer five questions. Easy peasy.
The time will fly by, I promise.
So I will start the clock, and my first question is as soon as it The work starts?
Tracy, who's your ideal client?
01:57 TRACY
So my ideal client is somebody in the health industry. I like working with, chiropractors, physiotherapists, and gym owners. And it's because they got into business because they love what they do. And then because they were really good at it, they tend to start actually going from being sole trader to a company, and then they have to start juggling things like paying their staff, you know, looking after the premises.
And they just find it a bit of a strain because they just want to do what they're really good at. So I help those kind of people to get more time, and more profit out of their business so that they can be happy.
Okay. Thank you. That was very clear. Crystal clear, in fact. So you've kind of covered it a little bit in in your in my in your first question and answer. But can you go a little bit more into what is it exactly that you solve? What problem do you solve?
02:55 TRACY
Okay. So I help people to get more profit or more time from their business, and I do that by two different methods.
Helping them to understand their numbers, and that comes from me being an accountant, and we help them to understand so that it can have the structure. Quite a lot of people try to grow their business through automation, and automation is the answer, but it's not the first step. You need foundations in place, so you need to know your numbers. You need to have really clear goals. You need to have the proper team culture, and you need to know your ideal client yourself and the customer journey. And until you put all those foundations in place, and I'm speaking from experience, by the way, growing your business through automation is not a good idea because the cracks that are in the foundations grow with you.
So I help people to set those foundations, so that then they could then go on to automate their business so that it can run without them.
Wow. That that that's a lot.
That sounds really, really, really useful.
So maybe you could share with us, please, one valuable free action that you that the audience can implement that will help them solve the specific problem that you deal with.
04:09 TRACY Valuable Free Action (VFA)
Okay. I have a free financial toolkit, which is six videos of me, unfortunately speaking, but it helps businesses to know what numbers they should be looking at in their business and why they should be looking at them as well and what, like, the benefits that they would do from from monitoring these. And I work in a really practical and simple way so that people could like, can actually understand why and how to do that. So the six videos are a free downloadable toolkit because I just want to help more people, to have sustainable businesses because the you know, twenty percent of business owners businesses don't last the first year, and forty five percent don't last past year five. And I want to help them to make sure that they're not in those two statistics.
Indeed. That that that sounds great. And we will post a link to that. In fact, at the at the end of the seven minutes, I will ask you for the link to that, and we will post that everywhere.
Spread it around like wedding confetti as if we can.
So, okay. But thank you. So now we know a little bit more about what you do and about the video course that you offer, the free one. Let's let's talk about goal busting. And what I mean by that is how do you make the best use of your productive time to achieve your business goals? So can you share any tips or advice for someone looking to improve their productivity habits specific?
05:38 TRACY Valuable Productive Action (VPA)
So, I considering I am a procrastinator, honestly, I could go for the a world medal with procrastination.
I deal really good with deadlines and everything. Everything I do has a deadline. Even when somebody's asking me, oh, can you do such and such? I'll say, when do you want it by?
Because that way, it can get to the top of my list because things without a deadline never get to the top of my list. And what I tend to do is so my diary is colour coded. Everything's in there. Even date night and things are in there.
Even my personal, I put all my personal stuff in there first.
I'm now a Time Freedom Alchemist. And, and then in the morning, which is when my brain is best to do my actual work, I lock out time. So on all so nobody can book a meeting with me in the morning. It's only my availability is only in the afternoon.
And all the future weeks just say save for work on them. But on a Friday, what I then do is I block out the time because by having the details of what I'm gonna actually do next week helps me to achieve them. Because, like, if you've got a client meeting in your diary, you would never not turn up. Like, it's important. And if a client's important, why isn't your own work as important as that? So by having meetings; they look like meetings in my diary that just have certain tasks in them that I do at certain points, and that's the best way for me to be productive because I just literally follow my diary, which I put in myself because I am my own own most important client.
That's amazing. Thank you. And what you've summarized there beautifully was the work life balance and the importance of it. I loved how you... I agree with one hundred percent with everything you've just said, and I particularly tune tuned in even more to when you talked about how you prioritize your personal stuff in your diary.
You schedule it. It doesn't get sacrificed for the, you know, for the work stuff and then the deadlines. Brilliant. I don't wanna talk over your time, so I just will ask you, what should I have asked you today that I haven't, that I didn't, and obviously your answer?
08:00 TRACY
I think maybe just asking what my passion is.
So my passion there's a I'm full of statistics today. A statistic that there's thirty nine percent of business owners don't pay themselves even minimum wage.
And that really upsets me because some of these business owners are probably the people who work the hardest, the longest to get the least free time. So it's my mission to make that percentage less by helping people to pay themselves first. So I have a product that I help people to understand where for every penny of their money is, where it should be allocated to, which allows them to be able to pay themselves what they're worth because that's the they they are their most important employee.
Oh, that was perfect timing.
That was perfect timing and also a perfect a perfect answer to the question. I completely agree with you, and and it is a startling statistic.
I've worked for myself my whole life. And at one point, when I had twenty five staff working for me, I worked out that I was actually, when I counted up all the hours I was working, I was working for about ten percent of their average hourly wage. Absolutely. It's really scary.
It's so scary that the the least paid person in the business is the one taking all the risks.
Yes. You know? So I want to eradicate that.
Eradicate it. That's a good word. Yes. There's a lot of eradication going on in the world right now. We let's eradicate that. So let me ask you please, how can people reach you?
So by that, I mean, if you have a website that they could go to. And also, if it's not too long, a link to the free, videos (Valuabe Free Resource) that you mentioned. If it is too long, by all means, say it, and then I will post it in the in the comments with the with the video and the podcast. Of course.
Alright. Okay. I think it's probably better that we put a comment in because it's on a funnel page. We usually sell it with a QR code. Right. My website, if anybody wants to look at it, is https://tracyirwin.co.uk
That's easy. Oh, should be co dot spain, shouldn't it? But it's not. It's still co dot u k.
Yeah. But most of my clients are still in the UK.
Well, yes. Of course. I can understand that. But we will post that on this video. And in the comments below, I will I will make sure that people can easily find your Valuable Free Resource (VFR) as well.
Financial Fitness Toolkit...
That would be perfect.
Tracy, it's been an absolute pleasure. We did manage to get through. You did tell me before we started the recording that there was roadworks outside. They have behaved. I don't know how much you paid them? Perhaps they paid a lot more than you paid yourself for the last twenty minutes.
Oh, no.
Definitely not. I think they're just having a siesta because it is a siesta target. Spain.
Of course, it's Spain! That's absolutely perfect. Tracy Irwin, thank you so much.
No. It was my pleasure. Thank you, Robin.
Thank you. Bye bye.
10:58 OUTRO
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Robin J. Emdon is an accountability coach and creator of the GetResultsology® System, a comprehensive guide designed to help people overcome procrastination and achieve their goals.
Robin’s journey started in his family’s retail business, but he soon realised his true passion was empowering others. In 2001, he trained as a life coach in the U.S., which led him to specialise in accountability coaching and eventually create the GetResultsology® System.
During the 2020 pandemic, Robin faced his own challenge with procrastination. Despite years of coaching experience, he still struggled with distractions. Determined to find a solid, permanent solution, he developed the GetResultsology® System to help others and himself boost productivity.
Based in South Devon, England, Robin helps clients all over the world boost their income and profits by achieving extraordinary results through accountability coaching. In his spare time, he enjoys sharing his passion for local history.
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