Build a Thriving Business as an Introvert
in Just 7 Minutes with Tara Reid

Why you've got to check out today's episode

1. Discover introvert-friendly marketing strategies—no social media required!
2. Learn how to create a business that aligns with your personality, not drains your energy.
3. Get actionable productivity tips—theme blocking vs. time blocking explained.
4. Uncover valuable free resources to help introverts grow their businesses with ease.
5. Hear Tara’s insights on SEO, Pinterest marketing, and sustainable business growth.


Tara's Valuable Free Resource (VFR):


In this episode, business strategist Tara Reid shares how introverts can build thriving businesses without social media. She reveals sustainable marketing strategies like SEO, Pinterest, and email marketing, plus productivity hacks tailored for introverts. Tune in for insights on aligning your business with your energy and values!

Check out these episode highlights:

02:30 Ideal Client: Introverted entrepreneurs, including course creators, coaches, and service providers, who feel overwhelmed by traditional marketing.
03:25 Problem Solved: Helping introverts build sustainable businesses using organic, evergreen strategies instead of energy-draining social media tactics.
04:40 Valuable Free Action (VFA): Do a business brain dump—assess your daily tasks to ensure they align with your strengths and energy levels.
06:45 Valuable Productive Action (VPA): Use "theme days" instead of time blocking to structure work based on energy levels and flexibility needs.
09:15 Bonus Material
10:15 Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Access Tara’s free training on introvert-friendly marketing strategies at

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:


(Note, this was transcribed using transcription software and may not fully reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Welcome to the Goalbusters Expert Peak Productivity Tips podcast, where top business experts get just seven minutes to answer five rapid fire questions about what they do and how they stay productive.

Each episode is packed with actionable insights to help boost your efficiency and achieve your goals. Let's dive in and unlock the secrets to peak performance.

00:22 ROBIN

Well, hello, everyone. My name is Robin J. Emdon, and I'm the creator and author of the GetResultsology system and a dedicated accountability coach. My mission is to empower solopreneurs to unlock their true potential, boost their income, and achieve extraordinary success by maximizing productivity, streamlining their businesses, and aligning their goals with their authentic vision and purpose.

If you're ready to turn ambition into action and transform your goals into reality, you're in exactly the right place.

My guest expert today, I'm delighted to say, is Tara Reid. Tara is a seasoned business strategist and marketing coach with over seventeen years of experience.

Known as the introvert coach, Tara specializes in empowering introverted entrepreneurs, particularly course creators, coaches, and service providers to build sustainable, authentic businesses without relying on social media.

Tara focuses on organic and evergreen marketing methods, helping clients enhance their online visibility and establish authority through ethical SEO, content creation, and sales funnels.

Tara is also the host of the Introvertpreneur podcast, a valuable resource for introverted business owners seeking strategies that align with their energy and values.

Tara, welcome!

Thank you. Thank you so much for having me.

You're very welcome indeed. Whereabouts in the world are you, Tara?

I'm actually in Ontario, Canada.

Oh, wonderful. So and I think we established you about five hours behind, but I didn't think to ask you whereabouts that is?

That's great. So, shall we crack on with the questions?

Yeah. I'm ready.

Alright. Perfect. That's what I like to hear. I will start the clock.

And there it goes. And first, let's talk about what you do, Tara. Could you tell me please who is your ideal client?

02:30 TARA – Ideal Client
Yeah. So my ideal client would definitely be other introverted entrepreneurs. So they're potentially building either a course creation business, selling digital products, coaching, or they're a service provider offering done for you services. So it doesn't really matter the type of business. It more matters who they are. So, potentially, they're struggling with marketing, selling, maybe doing things that just don't feel good and don't light them up, and that is leading to feeling exhausted and overwhelmed and even burnout.

Absolutely. I completely understand what you're saying there. And so maybe that segues us nicely into the second question. It's the question is actually, what is the problem that you solve? But I suspect you solve more than one.

03:25 TARA – Problem Solved
Yeah. There's a lot because I am a multi passionate myself.

So I do speak a lot to other multi passionates too and not niching yourself down into one box. So, really, I think the over arcing theme of the problem that I solve is helping people build sustainable businesses that actually aligns with their personality and how they wanna show up and build a business and not listening to all the advice out there, a lot of which is more maybe geared towards extroverts who thrive on video, who thrive on going live and showing up five times a day on social media. Like, that would be a nightmare to me and I think most introverts. So my goal is to let them know that there are other ways that you can build a business that is fun to you.

That's amazing. And it's giving me goose bumps.

Believe it or not, I completely relate to what you've just described. Very, very understandable indeed. Alright. So you let's go on to the third question, which is what is one Valuable Free Action that the audience can implement that will help them to solve that problem or problems?

04:40 Tara – Valuable Free Action (VFA)
I think the very first thing and I think the most important thing that I would recommend is, you know, if you are introverted and right now you're feeling like how I explained, you're feeling burnt out, you're doing things that you put off because you just don't enjoy doing them for your business. I think what you need to start with is doing a brain dump and really asking yourself, what am I doing day to day in my business? Is it something that I have to do, or am I doing it just because I feel like I should?

Are there alternative ways that I can show up for my business and get sales and connect with people and get traffic?

I think that is the key first step is figuring out what you're doing right now, whether it aligns with who you are. And then, also, I like to call it, finding your introvert superpowers.

So figuring out what is right for you. Like, for me, I am very big at empathy. So I can connect one to one with people very well. So for me, it's about building my own community. I have my own private community for all of my students who've ever gone through any of my courses or programs. I have my email list that I treat like a community, and that really allows me to thrive one on one versus, you know, showing up to networking events or being on social media. And so I think it's really about knowing what your strengths are too and how you can use them.

Powerful. Very powerful what you said there. And worth listening through to again, there's a a lot of detail in what you said there. And so thank you for that. I'm certainly… when I go through the transcript… I'm gonna read that again because that was very interesting. So now that we have a better understanding of what you do, Tara, let's dive into GoalBusting, focusing on how to maximize productive time to achieve business goals. So could you share any tips or advice for someone looking to improve their productivity habits, please?

06:45 Tara – Valuable Productive Action (VPA)

Yes. I love this question first of all because I am obsessed with making the most of the time that I have because I have limited energy as an introvert. Like, a lot of things deplete my energy, so I need to be more mindful about what I'm doing. And for me, I love automations. I love SOPs. I love batching.

I also have ADHD. So I found that, you know, for productivity, some things that work for some people and I tried. I was like, why is this not working for me? And I think that's an important part of productivity is figuring out how your brain works because, like, something like time blocking doesn't necessarily work for me.

So what I had to do is take time blocking as an idea and switch it into theme days. So this day of the week is content creation. I will focus on writing emails, writing blog posts. This day is, like, client focused, client work.

And that has really, really helped. And I also think… because I always used to impose deadlines on myself, like, self-imposed deadlines. And then if I didn't hit that deadline, I would feel bad. So what I had to start doing is adding padding time into anything on my to do list. I like, if I want it done by Friday, I set the to do date by Wednesday so that I have a little bit of wiggle room.

Wow. Theme blocking versus time blocking. How great is that? I love that. And I'm thinking, oh, gosh. I've just written a book about productivity. Did I put that in? Not quite definitely not as eloquently as you've just said it there. And it certainly stopped me in my tracks. And I thought, yeah. That's really, really valuable advice. Thank you so much.

It also I wanna say too. It also adds in flexibility, which I think is really important for some of us. Like, I'm very big on following your energy. So, like, if it comes to Tuesday and that's my content day and I don't feel like nothing's coming out, I'm not I'm struggling with creating content, I'll switch the days around that week. Like…


And I think that works a lot better for me. So it's really about what's gonna work best for you.

Yes. Definitely. Perfect. So finally, moving swiftly on because the time is pressing, what should I have asked you today, Tara, that I didn't and your answer, please? And you have more than twelve seconds to answer that if you need to.

09:15 TARA – Bonus Material
So I think, I mean, I could go on forever, but I will say one thing is, especially with introverts as I'm speaking to them, a big challenge is usually marketing.

So maybe what is the number one way that I market and grow my business?

And for me, that's actually two things. It's SEO and it's Pinterest marketing. So I don't use social media at all anymore. I left in 2022. And so that's just an example of how, you know, there's so many marketing methods out there.

Oh, amazing. And as far as I'm concerned, if you cut out my waffle, you did it in well under the seven minutes as well.

So brilliant. Thank you so much, Tara. I'm really fascinated by what you have to say. I'm sure that some of our… a lot of our listeners, and watchers will be too. How can people reach you? And do they do you have like a Valuable Free Resource that they could, get more acquainted with what you do, please?

10:15 TARA – Valuable Free Resource (VFR)
Yes. So I have a, free training that is all about the four marketing methods that I've recommended for most introverts.

So it goes into, blogging and SEO. It goes into Pinterest marketing. It goes into email marketing and then social media, but in a less kind of energy draining, social kinda way.

And that free training is on my website and all of my free resources. I actually have a ton at

Okay. If you see a sudden surge in interest in the next ten minutes, that's me going on there and getting all of them.

So, also, I know before we started recording, you did say to me that, you've got something really exciting happening very soon. Please tell us about that.

Yeah. So this April, April 22nd through the 25th, we are having our 5th annual Introvertpreneur Virtual Summit.

So there's gonna be over 30 expert speakers talking to introverted entrepreneurs and sharing all kinds of valuable insights on everything from increasing your confidence to sales funnels and marketing.

So this is our 5th year, and it's always such an incredible event.

Wow. That is really interesting, and I'm excited to hear about that. And I look forward to reading more about that when the time comes, and learn and learning what exactly is going on there. Wow… Thirty experts! That's a big event. Fantastic!

Thank you so much, Tara. Tara, it's been an absolute pleasure.

And fascinating listening to what you've had to say. You've shared some stuff with me today that I really, really found hugely, valuable and informative. And, thank you so much for doing that with us today. Thank you, Tara.

Yeah. Thank you so much for having me.

You're very welcome. Thank you, and bye bye.

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Robin J. Emdon is an accountability coach and creator of the GetResultsology® System, a comprehensive guide designed to help people overcome procrastination and achieve their goals.

Robin’s journey started in his family’s retail business, but he soon realised his true passion was empowering others. In 2001, he trained as a life coach in the U.S., which led him to specialise in accountability coaching and eventually create the GetResultsology® System.

During the 2020 pandemic, Robin faced his own challenge with procrastination. Despite years of coaching experience, he still struggled with distractions. Determined to find a solid, permanent solution, he developed the GetResultsology® System to help others and himself boost productivity.

Based in South Devon, England, Robin helps clients all over the world boost their income and profits by achieving extraordinary results through accountability coaching. In his spare time, he enjoys sharing his passion for local history.

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