Unlock the Entrepreneurial Mindset in Just 7 Minutes with Lynn Howard

Why you've got to check out today's episode

1. Discover the secret to balancing big-picture goals with daily actions.
2. Learn how to turn reactive businesses into proactive, scalable ones.
3. Gain a simple but powerful strategy to increase productivity every day.
4. Understand why resilience is your ultimate business growth muscle.
5. Get access to valuable free resources for entrepreneurs and small business owners.


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Join Lynn Howard, a global change maker and entrepreneurial strategist, as she shares transformative insights to help small business owners and entrepreneurs scale, structure, and succeed. Learn the power of resilience, actionable daily habits, and practical strategies to reach your goals with clarity and confidence.

Check out these episode highlights:

02:00 Ideal Client: Entrepreneurs and small business owners who want to grow, scale, or sell their businesses but need foundational structures.

03:12 Problem Solved: Turning reactive business habits into proactive, structured approaches for success.

04:24 Valuable Free Action (VFA): Set and complete 3 intentional daily tasks aligned with your goals.

06:24 Valuable Productive Action (VPA): The Ambassador Story - Plan your week every Sunday to reduce anxiety and focus your energy.

08:22: Learn how to build a "resilience muscle" to navigate challenges and failures effectively.

10:40 BONUS MATERIAL: The Obama Story

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:


(Note, this was transcribed using transcription software and may not fully reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Welcome to the Goalbusters Expert Peak Productivity Tips podcast, where top business experts get just seven minutes to answer five rapid fire questions about what they do and how they stay productive.

Each episode is packed with actionable insights to help boost your efficiency and achieve your goals. Let's dive in and unlock the secrets to peak performance.

00:22 ROBIN

Well, hello, everyone. I'm Robin J. Emdon, creator of the Get Resultsology system and an accountability coach.
I help people harness productivity to achieve meaningful results, increase income, grow their business, and create success that resonates with their authentic selves.

Joining us today is Lynn Howard, a global change maker with a no nonsense approach overcoming adversity from childhood challenges to beating cancer. Lynn has launched, scaled, and sold businesses across three continents and served as COO for a global organization. As an entrepreneurial development strategist, she's empowered thousands of leaders to reach their potential with her make it happen mindset.
Lynn is here to help us today unlock new possibilities.

Lynn, welcome.

Thanks, Robin. How are you?

I'm fabulous, thank you. Whereabouts are you, Lynn?
I'm in Bangkok, Thailand currently.

Oh, wow. And it's quite late for you as well. It's about midday for me here in Torquay in Devon, but it's getting on for you.

Yes. Yes. It's night-time, but you're not my last meeting, so we're good.

Oh, I feel better about that now. I was beginning to feel a bit guilty about keeping you up late, so thank you so much. Someone else can have that guilt instead.

That's right.

So mindful of the fact that you do have another meeting to go to and that we need to crack on with the podcast, I'll get straight into the questions. So I will start the clock if you're okay with that. So let's get the clock going.

And there it goes. So let's talk about what you do, please, Lynn. So, Lynn, please tell us who is your ideal client.

02:00 LYNN
Yes. It depends on which business you're speaking about. But, really, with the entrepreneurial and small business side, I work with individuals, small businesses, and entrepreneurs globally who wanna get shit done. That's what I help them do. You know, most people get into their business because they love the technical part or they're good at it.

Sometimes they're not so good at it, but they love it. But, essentially, most people don't know how to run a business. They have a hobby at best, and they are kind of, like, being very reactive.

So ideal client for that is entrepreneurs and small business owners globally who know they need change, who want change, who want to grow scale, or even potentially sell their business, but they need to build the fundamentals and foundations to absolutely make that work. They need to learn how to be an entrepreneur, a business owner, a manager even.

They know that they have that need. Sometimes it manifests differently, but they absolutely don't wanna be in the same place again next year that they were this year.

03:12 ROBIN
Okay. That's very clear and fascinating too. So thank you for that, Lynn. Obviously, you've covered some of the problems that you solve. Are there specific problems that you solve, in addition to what you've already mentioned?

Listen. I have a brother from another mother who always says structure creates freedom, and I love that. And so, essentially, what we do, because in the business I'm speaking about, not the fractional CEO work that I do, but the small business and entrepreneurial, business that I do is we help them create the structure and the fundamentals and the foundations and or strengthen them to absolutely go to the next level, whatever that is personally and professionally. And so we help them with the big picture and the everyday actions.

It's important that we have both, and not every people can have a foot in both worlds. And so we give them the framework and the fundamentals and the support and the accountability to really set that up, practice it. We practice how we play. We play how we practice, and then be able to absolutely continue that after working with us.

04:24 ROBIN - Valuable Free Action (VFA)
Oh, great. I love that. That sounds brilliant. And the structure and the planning and the practicing, the rehearsal as well is, that's just so powerful. So thank you for that. So what is one valuable free action that the audience could implement that will help them solve these types of problems?

One of my favourite things, to do is to pick three action items every single day. You can consider it a goal. You can consider an action, whatever you wanna do, but that's more semantics. But three things that you're going to no excuses accomplish in that day that is absolutely driving you towards your end goal.

Most people think motion is progress, and it is not. Progress is action in alignment with where you are wanting to go or where you're wanting to be. So when we absolutely intentionally set three goals that we need or must finish that day or three tasks that we must finish that day in alignment to the goal, and then it could be baby goals. It can be baby tasks or big goals and big tasks, but that you are absolutely completing that that day.

No excuses.

No slacking, but that will absolutely help you take the intentional steps forward to where you wanna go.

Genius. That's absolutely right. I completely agree with you. And it is a transformational little skill, actually. It's a little skill in terms of doing it, but it's a big, big difference to your day. I absolutely love that.
Thank you so much.

Our journey is done in baby steps. It's not done in leaps and bounds.


So thank you. So now we know a little bit more about what you do. Let's talk about goal busting, meaning how do you make the best use of your productive time to achieve your own business goals? So Lynn could you share any tips or advice for someone looking to improve their productivity habits? Even though you've already given us some, I'm greedy, and I always like to hear more.

06:24 LYNN
Oh, I love this. So, I was just speaking about this earlier for a self at minute presentation at networking, but, essentially, one of my other go-tos is to look at my week every Sunday. So that way I can just get a visual of what my week is going to be like. Do I need to make changes?

Do I need to follow-up with somebody? I had lunch with an ambassador today of a different country in Thailand, and we were actually speaking about this because what she's gonna wear for that day keeps her up at night. Like, makes her wake up because she goes to all these different events. I was like, plan your week on a Sunday.

Like, know what you're going to do. This gives like, it takes the takes that anxiety out and really being able to focus on what you need to focus in on. So one of my favourite assets or tools I use is looking at my calendar, making sure everything's in order. What do I need to do?
What do I need to prepare for? What do I need to shift? Who do I need to remind?

On that Sunday night was my favourite, but you can also do it Monday morning. But Sunday night typically kinda sets the tone. And when you're in the habit of it, it helps you for… you can probably get it done within thirty minutes, no more than an hour even at my peak when I need a lot of time.

Oh, I really like that. I think I might have to pinch that one. Call it the ‘Ambassador Strategy’, perhaps?


And that is brilliant. And the piece I love the distinction about how that gives you peace of mind through the rest of the week because you are working a plan. That's a very, very nice and very cool distinction.

Well, you have an idea of what's going on. Even if your plan isn't fully there, you have an overview.
And so, again, you can use it for personal and professional or a combination of both, but it absolutely can be a game changer.

Yeah. Game changer. Definitely. So thank you for that, Lyn. Now I come to the final question, which is I always love this question the most… because what should I have asked you today that I didn't? I'm always interested in this. And also, obviously, your answer too, please.

08:22 LYNN
Oh, well, I would say, what's one asset that we could probably use outside of the tools and the format, the formulas and the formats and the foundations?
And what I would say that is building our resilience muscle.

Resilience is like a muscle, and we need this personal and professionally. Things are going to happen. You're gonna get more nos and yeses.
You're gonna have failures, and failing forward is very important. But if you do not build that resilience muscle, if you don't learn agility and understand what resilience is, you're absolutely putting yourself up for a bit more failure, heartache, and headache in the long run.

Look at that. Perfect timing as well. Absolutely brilliant. Thank you so much.

I'm a time person.

I knew we were gonna be done on time because I am a time person. I have such a time.

I'm glad I wasn't late, but I'm coming into the call.

We would've had a conversation.

Alright. You, oh, you just would've gone, wouldn't you? I know.

I have a little bit of a grace period. Ten minutes is the max I will ever wait for somebody, and that's me being precious.

That's fantastic. Well, I would never I would never be late for you.

I wouldn't dare. And so that's an absolute master class today. At every point, I completely understood and totally got the value from, and I hope our listeners and viewers do too. I'm sure they will. There's some really good great stuff in there. I particularly like the ambassador technique, which I actually won't pinch that wording from you, but that's how I think of it today.

That's okay. I will let her claim it even though it's been something I've been doing for decades.

But it is how I will remember it.

Yeah. Absolutely.
Well, and when we were talking about it today, I was like, listen, if that keeps you up, just plan. She's like, but I like to be free. I was like, you can still change your mind that day.


Just having an idea of what's going to happen. Do you need to pull out your traditional dress? Do you need to wear a gown?
Because sometimes they have to actually wear formal attire during the day for certain, like, King's events and things. I was like, you at least have an idea.


It's interesting.
I don't know if you have time, but, did a you have a moment?



10:40 LYNN
So, Obama did an interview, and I can't remember who it was with, but it was a late night talk show person. And he, it was a Netflix special, and he was doing these interviews, it was Letterman, I think. But, he asked the ex-president, former president Obama, what colour his underwear were.
And he said they're all the same.


And he said, I actually only have so many colour suits. It's more the ties and the different things like that. And really and there's a lot of research around that too. Like, really highly efficient and accomplished people tend to have very limited, wardrobes or certain aspects because then they don't have to think.

When you can take the little things that take energy to even just process a little bit, it gives you the ability to be able to have more capacity in the moment. Right? So because he didn't have to think about what colour underwear, what colour suit because they were all the same colour, it gave him it gives him more energy to actually put towards that moment or that time or more important things. And that's the same kind of concept that, like, I bring into working with business owners as well as helping navigate ambassadors is like, okay.

Like, where can we gain some of that, like, mental capacity or little nuggets back, to be able to give you more energy and return on investment in the long run. And it's just the little things like that that really add up.


Yeah. Although I don't think that's a little topic. I was just thinking as you were talking about that, thinking we could probably spend, like, an hour and a half talking just about clearing your mind of such clutter and the difference that it makes. There's so much value in what you just said and it's so true.
Absolutely. So thank you for sharing that to us. It's a lovely bonus for our for our listeners and for me actually. I've thoroughly enjoyed it.
So thank you very much.

So, Lynn, how can people get hold of you? I know you have a website is there like… I think when they get to your website they can get some quite valuable free resources from you to just make the initial contact with you. Am I right about that? And if so, I can add that link to the video and the podcast?

LYNN - Valuable Free Resource (VFA)

Yeah. Definitely. So ThePursuitofBadAsserie.com - that's badasserie with an I E at the end, dot com. We have a lot of free resources there. Lynnahoward.com also. But probably the best way to get a hold of me is on LinkedIn or if you don't have LinkedIn on Instagram.
But my emails are across both websites as well.

Okay. That's perfect. So I will put the links to the websites on there, and people will find you on LinkedIn, I'm sure, as well.



Lynn, that's been brilliant. We overran, but it was worth every single second in my opinion. So thank you so much. So thank you, Lynn, and bye bye.

13:40 OUTRO
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Robin J. Emdon is an accountability coach and creator of the GetResultsology® System, a comprehensive guide designed to help people overcome procrastination and achieve their goals.

Robin’s journey started in his family’s retail business, but he soon realised his true passion was empowering others. In 2001, he trained as a life coach in the U.S., which led him to specialise in accountability coaching and eventually create the GetResultsology® System.

During the 2020 pandemic, Robin faced his own challenge with procrastination. Despite years of coaching experience, he still struggled with distractions. Determined to find a solid, permanent solution, he developed the GetResultsology® System to help others and himself boost productivity.

Based in South Devon, England, Robin helps clients all over the world boost their income and profits by achieving extraordinary results through accountability coaching. In his spare time, he enjoys sharing his passion for local history.

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