Master Time Management in Just 7 Minutes
with Kristen Van Horn

Why you've got to check out today's episode

1. Learn how to cut your work hours while growing your business.
2. Discover the biggest time-wasting traps and how to avoid them.
3. Get a step-by-step strategy for structuring your day effectively.
4. Find out how a 4-day workweek can be a game-changer.
5. Access a free productivity resource that will transform how you manage time.


Kristen's Valuable Free Resource (VFR):


In this episode, certified life coach Kristen Van Horn shares how busy entrepreneurs—especially moms—can reclaim their time and build a thriving business without working around the clock. She reveals her proven strategies for time audits, goal-setting, and structuring a productive 4-day workweek. Plus, grab her free Four-Day Workweek Blueprint for a smarter workflow!

Check out these episode highlights:

02:30 Ideal Client: Kristen helps busy entrepreneurs, especially moms, who struggle to balance business growth with family life.
03:14 Problem Solved: She teaches entrepreneurs how to structure their day, work fewer hours, and still grow their business while being present with their family.
04:30 Valuable Free Action (VFA): Do a 3-day time audit—write down what you do every 15-30 minutes to identify time-wasting activities and productivity gaps.
06:50 Valuable Productive Action (VPA): Use a 90-day goal-setting strategy to break big goals into actionable tasks, delegate busywork, and focus on what moves the needle.
11: 37 Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Get Kristen’s Four-Day Workweek Blueprint to create a structured, productive schedule:

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:


(Note, this was transcribed using transcription software and may not fully reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Welcome to the Goalbusters Expert Peak Productivity Tips podcast, where top business experts get just seven minutes to answer five rapid fire questions about what they do and how they stay productive.

Each episode is packed with actionable insights to help boost your efficiency and achieve your goals. Let's dive in and unlock the secrets to peak performance.

00:22 ROBIN

Well, hello, everyone. My name is Robin J. Emdon, and I'm the creator and author of the GetResultsology system and a dedicated accountability coach. My mission is to empower solopreneurs to unlock their true potential, boost their income, and achieve extraordinary success by maximizing productivity, streamlining their businesses, and aligning their goals with their authentic vision and purpose.

If you're ready to turn ambition into action and transform your goals into reality, you're in exactly the right place.

Today, my guest is Kristen Van Horn, a certified life coach who helps busy entrepreneurs master time management and create systems to work smarter, not harder.

Kristen knows what it feels like to feel overwhelmed, juggling a teaching job, a long commute, and building a business while raising two kids.

By learning to prioritize and create schedules that fit her life, Kristen grew her business and transitioned to full time entrepreneurship.
Kristen is here to share her journey and practical tips to help you reclaim your time and focus on what truly matters.

Kristen, welcome.

Thank you so much for having me.

You're very welcome. Whereabouts in the world are you, Kristen?

I am in St. Louis, Missouri over in the US.

Oh, wow. And I think we established before the call that you're about six hours behind me, so still got lunch to look forward to.

Yes. Yes. It's great. My work day. Still got lunch.
Still got lunch. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. I'm looking forward to my tea time over here in England.

Alright. So shall we get on with the questions, Kristen?


Okay. Let's go with that then. So I will start the clock. I've been known to forget to do that. Would not be good.

And there it goes. Kristen, let's talk about what you do. Please, could you tell me, please, who is your ideal client?

02:30 KRISTEN – Ideal Client
My ideal clients are online business owners or entrepreneurs. Specifically, though, I work with moms as I for me, being a mom myself, I have found that moms are the ones who struggle the most with balancing both their business and their life outside of business.

Yeah. Definitely. In fact, in my book, I was I mentioned work from home moms, and I'm like, I was a work from home dad, but every mom has a different set of circumstances, don't they? Everyone is completely unique. So it's really interesting that you do that because I'm sure you must tailor what you do for everybody. So speaking of which are specifically, what is the problem that you solve? That's our second question.

03:14 KRISTEN – Problem solved
I help moms structure their day so that they can build a business, grow their business to whatever level they want to. So like you said, help them achieve their goals and structure it in a way where we're looking at your goals. We're planning it out ahead of time, and then figuring out when do we actually get these done so that at the end of the day, they have time to be with their family? Because what I found when I first started as an entrepreneur was I was working at all hours of the day. I didn't have time to actually be present and focus on my family because my business was always going in the back of my head. So I help them structure their day so they work fewer hours. Most of my clients are able to switch to a four hour workday four days a week, which is what I work, and still be able to grow their business, support their family, and be present with their family.

So important. Such an important point. Your last point you made, being present with your family. Yes. I know as someone that's been worked for myself my whole life, that's one of the really hardest things to achieve.


Yeah. Especially with a cell phone in your hand.

That's right. And yet it really is the most important.

Otherwise, what are you doing it for?

Yeah. Absolutely.

Yeah. Alright. Perfect. Love that. So what is one valuable free action that our audience could implement that will help them solve that problem?

04:30 KRISTEN – Valuable Free Action (VFA)
So one of the things that I have found my clients struggle with the most is not knowing how long things take them to complete, whether it's longer than they realize or shorter than they realize, but also they don't know where those time wasters are. And so the first thing that I have all of my clients do is sit down and do for three days in a row, do a time audit or a time journal where they're writing down what they're doing every fifteen, twenty, thirty minutes of the day. So they're seeing like, oh, this is actually where my time is being spent, how long the task in my business or how long, you know, making dinner usually takes, those sorts of things.

So we get kind of this snapshot of where am I spending my time and how can I better utilize it? Do I actually have more time in my day, or am I just wasting it in areas that I don't realize? And it makes such a big difference. It's very eye opening to go, oh, I actually in my twenty four hours that I have, I actually have a lot of extra time that I've just been wasting on doing things that aren't serving my family or serving my business.

Absolutely. And, of course, the other value that is in there too is that some things just you have no idea how long they're going to take. And in my experience, either they take nothing like as long as you thought or, unfortunately, way longer than you thought they were going to.

Yes. Yes. We tend to there's some kind of I always, like, botch this saying, but there's something with, like, we overestimate something, we underestimate something, and it's always so true. So, typically, we think something's going to take us longer that doesn't and vice versa. It's just that's just the reality of it. We just don't know until we get really clear, and we actually have that written down like, oh, this is actually how long something takes me to do.

And I think that's probably something worth repeating from time to time as well. No pun intended, but the times of mentions of times now. Yeah. So now we know a little bit more about what you do, and thank you for that. That's very valuable information. Let's talk about GoalBusting, meaning how you make the best use of your productive time to achieve your own business goals, Kristen. So the question is, can you share any tips or advice for someone to looking to improve their productivity habits?

I think you just gave away a free one, but so I'm being greedy now and asking for another one.

06:50 KRISTEN – Valuable Productive Action (VPA)
Very similar to what it what you do. One of the things that I love to do every single quarter so at the end of we're in Q one right now. At the end of quarter one, so in March, I like to sit down and I like to set my goals for the month. But then with that… because goals are they're just words on a piece of paper until we put the action behind it.

And so I spend the time specifically with my clients who are business owners. Where we sit down and go, okay. Here's the goal. Here's all the action we need to do.

Let's map it out and figure out how are we going to make this happen in the next ninety days. So I really love a ninety day goal setting period, and it allows us to, again, kind of audit what are the important things, what are the priorities that we're focusing on versus what are the things that are just busy work. So we get really clear on what's actually moving us towards our goal. What can we start delegating?

That is just a time sucker or time consuming task, which is my favourite thing to do is to delegate and automate as much as possible. Setting up those systems is so important. But actually achieve those goals within ninety days. Or if we don't achieve those goals, see the progress that we've made and then take the steps the next quarter or the next ninety days to figure out how, okay, we've made this progress.

How can we make that even more to achieve the goal?

Solid advice. Absolutely solid advice. Completely agree with you. Thank you, Kristen. And so my favourite final question… it's the final question, and it's my favourite question. And I know that you've been looking forward to this.

Yes. Yes.

Yes. You have. What should I have asked you today, Kristen, that I didn't end your answer, please?

08:35 KRISTEN – Bonus Material
So I think and we talked about this. I have like, I don't even know how to answer this, but I think the one thing that I hear a lot of people ask about productivity and time management is, how do I actually structure my day? How do I actually make those goals more achievable within a day time period? And that's where I come back to, like, you have to, number one, have that time audit in, but then blocking that time in so you know exactly what to work on and when. Because a lot of times, we are spending our time doing things that aren't moving the needle forward. We're sitting down to work, and we're like, I don't know what to work on. So I'm going to look at my to do list and be like, oh, that sounds like the right thing to do when it really isn't the priority for the day.

Brilliant. Look at that. You did it in exactly seven minutes. Wonderful. Perfect. Yeah.

You see, you did know what you were gonna say…

Oh, I got my time down.

You got your time down. And you did and you got your fifth question in there, which you actually said to me beforehand, I have no idea what you should have asked me.


But you that was a great answer.

And, actually, I wanted to just follow-up on that very briefly and say that with you working with work from home moms as well, time structure is one of the hardest things in the world for a work from home mom, and I was a work from home dad to do because children are not structured. They like, you know, they like routines and structure, but, you know, oh, I've sat down to do a solid three hour work block, now before my lunchtime. Phone rings. Your son forgot his packed lunch. Can you bring it in?

Okay. There goes an hour! There goes my morning. You know?


And you have to obviously, that's a priority, but there goes your structure.

So it's Yeah. It's a challenge.

Yeah. It's that flexibility. Like, my right after the holiday season, we had ten inches of snow, which meant that all the schools were shut down for a week. So my kids and husband, my husband's a teacher as well, were home for a week, which meant I was interrupted a million times.

Yeah. That’s just in the morning!

Yes. Having, yes, having that flexibility of going like, okay. My kids are home. I'm probably not gonna get as much done, and that needs to be okay.

Yeah. And I want one final thing I wanted to go back to is, I learned many years ago the saying, most people overestimate what they can achieve in a year.

That's it.

And underestimate what they can achieve in ten years.

Oh, that's similar to what I was saying. Yeah. But yes. Absolutely correct.

It's the same point. I mean, and certainly, though, having just finished writing my book, boy, did I underestimate how long that was going to take by years, literally by years. I thought, oh, it’s nine chapters, I'll get that done in nine weeks!

You know? Oh, dear. Yeah. My bad. Alright. So, Kristen, that was great. So I really wanna know, how can people reach you?

And a really cheeky question, it's not one of the five, but it's what I always ask. Do you have a valuable free resource that they could get from you as well?

11:37 KRISTEN – Valuable Free Resource (VFR)
Yeah. So the best way to find me is either on my website, which is, or I spend a lot of my time over on Instagram for my business, and my handle is @kristenvanhorn_ - all one word.

But I do have a free resource that walks you through that time audit and some of the additional things like setting boundaries, setting some structure to your day, and it's called my Four-Day Work Week Blueprint. And you can find that at

Fantastic. We'll definitely put the link for that down below. But not until I've been and got fetched my own copy because that sounds really useful. Yeah.

I'm greedy like that. No. That's brilliant. Thank you so much. Kristen, it's been an absolute pleasure and a delight and very, very useful information.

And you packed… I mean, we I it feels like we've been talking for an hour and a half. I don't know about ten minutes, which is basically the time of this. And because you packed so much in, so much value. Thank you so much Kristen.

Thank you and bye, bye.


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Robin J. Emdon is an accountability coach and creator of the GetResultsology® System, a comprehensive guide designed to help people overcome procrastination and achieve their goals.

Robin’s journey started in his family’s retail business, but he soon realised his true passion was empowering others. In 2001, he trained as a life coach in the U.S., which led him to specialise in accountability coaching and eventually create the GetResultsology® System.

During the 2020 pandemic, Robin faced his own challenge with procrastination. Despite years of coaching experience, he still struggled with distractions. Determined to find a solid, permanent solution, he developed the GetResultsology® System to help others and himself boost productivity.

Based in South Devon, England, Robin helps clients all over the world boost their income and profits by achieving extraordinary results through accountability coaching. In his spare time, he enjoys sharing his passion for local history.

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