Master the Power of Thought to Transform Your Leadership in Just 7 Minutes with Kim Ades

Why you've got to check out today's episode

1. Expert Insights: Kim Ades shares her experience working with top executives and leaders for over two decades.
2. Actionable Advice: Practical, easy-to-implement tips, like journaling techniques, to improve leadership skills.
3. Unique Coaching Approach: Learn about the Frame of Mind Coaching® method, focused on aligning thoughts with desired outcomes.
4. Exclusive Techniques: Discover Kim’s personal strategies like "dump, dump, and dump the dump" for mental clarity and productivity.
5. Real Solutions to Common Leadership Struggles: Hear about common challenges like isolation, friction, and “slippage” in leadership and how to address them.


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In this episode, Kim Ades, founder of Frame of Mind Coaching®, reveals the mental barriers leaders face, from isolation to friction, and how shifting thoughts can unlock potential. Learn powerful journaling techniques and gain insights to overcome struggles, reach goals, and achieve success—all in just 7 minutes!

Check out these episode highlights:

02:15 Ideal clients:

High-performing leaders and entrepreneurs seeking to overcome mental blocks and reach their full potential.

02:35 Core Problem Solved:

Isolation, friction with others, chronic dissatisfaction, and “slippage” of personal well-being.

05:39 Valuable Free Action (VFA)

Start journaling to assess whether your thoughts align with your goals.

06:57 Valuable Productivity Action (VFA)

Before taking action, align your thoughts with your desired outcomes to ensure success.

08:00 The power of journaling: 

Kim’s “dump, dump, and dump the dump” method helps leaders clear their minds and refocus on what truly matters.

Kim can be reached at

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:


(Note, this was transcribed using transcription software and may not fully reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Welcome to the Goalbusters Expert Peak Productivity Tips podcast, where top business experts get just seven minutes to answer five rapid fire questions about what they do and how they stay productive.

Each episode is packed with actionable insights to help boost your efficiency and achieve your goals. Let's dive in and unlock the secrets to peak performance.

ROBIN 0:22

Well, hello, everybody. My name is Robin J Emdon, and I'm broadcasting today from a very rainy Torquay in South Devon, England.

And my guest today is Kim Ades.

Kim Ades is a seasoned entrepreneur and founder of Frame of Mind Coaching®. After selling her simulation based assessment firm and briefly working in traditional coaching, to realize that leaders need more than just accountability.

They need to understand the connection between their thoughts and outcomes.

In 2004, Kim launched Frame of Mind Coaching® to help leaders reach their highest possible potential. She also developed a Frame of Mind Coaching certification program to equip others with her unique approach. Kim, welcome!


Thank you so much. I'm so happy to be here.


I'm delighted that you're here too. I'm really looking forward to this, actually. Whereabouts are you from, Kim? Where are you broadcasting from today?


I'm in Toronto, Canada.


Oh, well, fabulous. And I'm gonna be very British now and ask you, what's the weather like?


It's getting a bit chilly. It's getting there, but it's going up and down. It's a lot warmer this, this fall than it's ever been. But we're seeing we're seeing temperature rising or falling falling, not rising. Falling. Yeah.


Yeah. Which is what it's supposed to do in the autumn. It's not supposed to go up, but it is in some places.

Alright. So okay. So what we're gonna do, we're gonna go straight into our usual format of asking five questions in seven minutes. I will start the clock, and then I'll last ask the first question, and we'll take it from there. Are you ready?


I'm ready.


Excellent. So starting the clock. There it goes. So, Kim, please tell us, who is your ideal client?

KIM 02:15

Well, for the past twenty years, we've been working exclusively with what we call the highly driven population. They're typically, executives, leaders, entrepreneurs, seasoned executives. That's who we work with.

ROBIN 02:35

Okay. That's perfect. Thank you. And what is the problem that you solve?


Well, what we see is that, these people typically have four areas of struggle, and we see this consecutively or we've seen this for the past twenty years. Number one is that they tend to be isolated. They don't have people that they can trust and talk to easily and expose themselves to. It's hard to be vulnerable when you're the leader and people are relying on you and depending on you.

Typically, they have a lot of responsibility on their shoulders and it's hard for them to, you know, share what their struggles are with others. So that's number one. Number two is that they tend to be people who have very, very large goals that they wanna reach. However, they feel like something's getting in the way and they don't know what that is.

And so they feel the sense of chronic dissatisfaction.

Like they should be further ahead. Things should be easier. People should be rowing in the same direction as them. They feel like, you know, for some reason, they're not where they ought to be, and they wonder whether it's them or the people that surround them. So they always feel like they should be further ahead.

Number three is they feel like, they are always, in a state of friction with others. So what I mean by that is they feel like they don't always understand other people, but more importantly, they're not always understood.

And so, you know, they don't understand why other people have the same sense of urgency. Why other people aren't working as hard or as fast, why they don't get it as quickly. And so, you know, there's always that kind of friction that they experience. And what we see is two kinds of friction.

One is internal friction where they feel quietly, like, what's wrong with that person, but they don't have time to deal with it and don't address it, and it kinda boils up inside of them. And the other kind of friction is very obvious or overt friction where they get angry, they sometimes are aggressive, they are frustrated, and that's palpable. 

And then number four is the fourth thing that we see over and over again is that these leaders have something that I call slippage.

What is slippage? It's a term I invented, and it it refers to the fact that these people are working super hard, and they let important things slip through the cracks. Things like their health, their sleep, their nutrition.

Maybe they're not exercising well. They're stressed quite a bit. They're not having a whole lot of fun. And so at some point, they go, hold on a minute. Like, I put so much time and effort into this thing, this work. Like, what about life? Where did my life go?

And so, typically, those are the people we serve, and these are the the issues that they come to the table with.


Wow. Okay. That's excellent. Particularly like the ;slippage' thing. I might have to borrow that from you.

So, what is one valuable free action that the audience can implement that will help them solve that problem?

KIM 05:39

Well, when we coach our leaders, one of the things we do is we ask them to journal in a private and secure online journal with their coach. Now, of course, that is, you know, in the coaching environment and with a coach who is reading and responding to their journals. Having said that, I strongly recommend that for whoever's listening that you pick up a pen and a piece of paper or do it online, but start journaling. Why? Because when you are journaling, you're able to write down your thoughts and separate yourself from them, and then you're able to assess whether or not your thoughts are actually aligned with your goals or whether your thoughts are clashing with your goals. So it's a really powerful tool to help you see where you're oriented and whether or not perhaps something needs to shift. It's incredible for self reflection, for strategy, for planning, and for managing your emotional state when you're angry, upset, disappointed, all of those things.


Wow. I I completely agree. I absolutely love that. Thank you so much. That's really, really valuable advice. And so can you share any tips or advice for someone looking to improve specifically their productivity habits? Just one one thing that you that they that you would recommend.

KIM 06:57

You know what? It's a very funny question, and I'm gonna reframe it a little bit because the focus is on productivity, and I get it. And oftentimes, when you think about productivity, you think, well, what can I do differently? Like, what's the action I can take?

How can I, like, organize my life and my time and all of that so that I can get more done? And what I would suggest is that doing follows thought. And before you start to do anything differently, my strong, strong opinion and advice is to look at how you think about what it is that you're doing and shift your thinking so that it's aligned with your desired outcomes before you start taking action. Because if your thinking isn't aligned, all the action in the world will not give you the outcomes you're looking for.


Yeah. I absolutely agree.

I love that.

Thank you for reframing the question. I have to do that in the future as well. So that's that's that's really, really solid advice. Thank you. And finally, in our last minute or so, what should I have asked you today, Kim, that you didn't and, obviously?

KIM 8:00

Well, obviously, I'm talking quite a bit about journaling and thinking about your thoughts. And one of the questions is, like, how do you journal? Like, what's the process?

And I have a, a process that I recommend. It's called 'dump dump and then dump the dump'. And what that means is that what I encourage you to do is write down everything that's on your mind. So dump it out.

And when you think you're done, just keep going. Keep dumping. So dump dump. And then at a certain point, you need to stop that.

And you need to say, okay. I'm dumping the dump. I'm finished. I'm I'm I'm complete with that.

And now what I need to do is turn myself around. And so you literally wanna write in your journal, it's time to turn myself around, and then start journaling about what you want, how you wanna feel, what your plan is, where you wanna go. So dump, dump, and then dump the dump.


That's amazing. Thank you so much. I'm really looking forward to watching this back, actually. You've packed so much in.

We we've got fifteen seconds left, and you've and you've done it. You've answered all five of my questions. 


I try to talk fast. 


You probably answered about twenty or thirty of my questions, actually.

That's wonderful. Thank you so much, Kim. And how can people get in touch with you? Do you have a website? And, also, is there a particular thing on the website that they could that they could, pick up as something that's useful for them to have as a tool of some kind?

KIM 09:23

Absolutely. So the best way to find me is kim at frame or you can reach out to me, [email protected], or you can go to the website. It's

VFR here...

And on the website, specifically, there's a button that allows you to download, ten very powerful journaling questions. And what you will find is the questions will inspire you to think about some very important things about your life. And so go there, download the, ten journaling prompts, and start journaling. And it's an amazing way to just start looking at yourself and how you operate, how you think, and how you're thinking is impacting everything you do, your relationships, your productivity, your outcomes, all of it.


Wow. I'm I'm gonna go there now. As soon as we finish recording, I I wanna get my copy of that. That sounds amazing.


Please do.


I will for sure. Kim, that's been amazing. Thank you so much. That this as I said, you've packed so much into that little bit of time that we've had together today.

I really think it's great value. And although it's only seven minutes worth of questions, I would encourage people to listen to it again and again because there is so much content in there and to follow through and take action on the things that you've said. I certainly learned things today, that I wasn't expecting to learn in just seven minutes. So thank you, Kim. That's been brilliant. And I will be posting the links to your website, in the notes underneath the video and the podcast audio, in case people didn't get them, as well as putting a line on the video itself for people.




Kim, thank you so much. That has been amazing. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


Thank you for the opportunity.


You're welcome. Bye bye.

OUTRO: 11:06
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Robin J. Emdon is an accountability coach and creator of the GetResultsology® System, a comprehensive guide designed to help people overcome procrastination and achieve their goals.

Robin’s journey started in his family’s retail business, but he soon realised his true passion was empowering others. In 2001, he trained as a life coach in the U.S., which led him to specialise in accountability coaching and eventually create the GetResultsology® System.

During the 2020 pandemic, Robin faced his own challenge with procrastination. Despite years of coaching experience, he still struggled with distractions. Determined to find a solid, permanent solution, he developed the GetResultsology® System to help others and himself boost productivity.

Based in South Devon, England, Robin helps clients all over the world boost their income and profits by achieving extraordinary results through accountability coaching. In his spare time, he enjoys sharing his passion for local history.

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