Why you've got to check out today's episode
1. Achieve Balance and Focus: Learn productivity techniques to simplify your life and boost efficiency.
2. Unique Strategies from a Pro: Discover Andrew’s tried-and-true systems for managing both time and clutter.
3. Inspiration to Take Action: Gain the confidence to tackle organizational challenges with a fresh mindset.
4. Exclusive Resources: Access free guides that offer practical tools for productivity.
5. Perfect for Busy Listeners: In just a few minutes, Andrew offers compact, powerful advice for immediate application.
Andrew's Website...
Andrew's Valuable Free Resource (VFR):
In this powerful episode, productivity expert Andrew Mellen joins to discuss strategies for managing time and space effectively. Known as "The Most Organized Man in America," Andrew reveals techniques to simplify life, overcome clutter, and boost productivity. Tune in for actionable advice that empowers listeners to streamline daily routines and achieve meaningful results.
02:24 1. Ideal Client: Andrew Mellen works with corporate clients (e.g., American Express, Goldman Sachs) and busy women juggling work and home life. His focus is on those who struggle with time and space management.
04:03 2. Problem Solved: He helps clients tackle issues related to clutter, both physical and mental, and the challenge of managing too many tasks with limited time.
04.40 3. Valuable Free Action (VFA): To build momentum and confidence, set a timer and work for a specific amount of time (e.g., 15 minutes) instead of trying to finish a task in one go.
05:54 4. Valuable Productivity Action (VPA): Use time blocking and make appointments with yourself, treating them as non-negotiable. Focus on what you need to do to achieve your goals, not on discomfort.
07:52 5. Final Powerful tip: To get and stay organized, follow the "one home for everything" and "like with like" principle. When something new comes in, something old should go out to maintain order.
(Note, this was transcribed using transcription software and may not fully reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Welcome to the Goalbusters Expert Peak Productivity Tips podcast, where top business experts get just seven minutes to answer five rapid fire questions about what they do and how they stay productive.
Each episode is packed with actionable insights to help boost your efficiency and achieve your goals. Let's dive in and unlock the secrets to peak performance.
00:22 ROBIN
Well, hello, everyone. I'm Robin J. Emdon, creator of the Get Resultsology system and an accountability coach.
I help people harness productivity to achieve meaningful results, increase income, grow their business, and create success that resonates with their authentic selves.
I'm absolutely thrilled today to announce that my guest is Andrew Mellen. Andrew is a best-selling author of Unstuff Your Life, Calling BS on Busy, and The Most Organized Man in America's Guide to Moving. He's helped over five hundred thousand people and businesses simplify their lives, saving time and money in the process.
Andrew's been featured in major outlets like TEDx, The New York Times, and Oprah, and he's spoken internationally on productivity.
His clients include client companies like American Express and Goldman Sachs, and he's also a mindfulness expert and was a faculty member at the New York Open Center. Andrew, welcome.
Thanks, Robin. It's great to be with you and everybody.
Oh, I'm genuinely pleased and, that that you've come on today. Andrew, whereabouts in the world are you? Is it New York, or is that just coincidence that you were involved with that?
Oh, no. I was based in New York for many years. I'm right now in, San Diego, California
Oh, yeah. Oh, beautiful. I've been to San Diego. I can see the view from your window back there.
So I'm in Torquay in, not sunny South Devon, but, I have very happy memories of a very brief visit to San Diego. Gosh…
May you should go back.
…twenty five years ago.
It was a long time ago, but it is a lovely part of the world.
Okay. So shall we shall we crack on with the questions?
We've got seven minutes to do…
Yes, sir.
Five questions. I know you've had advanced notice of the questions, and, so let's crack on.
02:24 ROBIN
So first, let's talk about what you do, Andrew. I'll start the clock.
And it'll happen any minute now. There it goes. Andrew, who is your ideal client, please?
So I have both a B2b and a B2C business. On the B2B side, as you've mentioned, corporate clients are American Express, Genentech, Goldman Sachs, the New York Mets baseball team, the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
I tend to work a lot in finance, health care, insurance.
Typically, places where they already get the concept of time equals money. So they're already looking for ways to improve productivity and efficiency because they're in that quad, they get that connection. On the B2C, I typically work, my audience is primarily female, although it's not exclusively female.
And I work with a lot of, busy women, primarily, who are, sometimes the breadwinners, but often work outside of the home and are juggling domestic activities, maintaining a household, often managing children, and at the same time working. So, they're juggling multiple demands on their time and attention and feeling often like they're failing as if they should be able to figure out how to get twenty eight hours’ worth of activity into a twenty four hour day, which is just faulty math. So I help them to break apart those stories that are keeping them stuck.
04:03 ROBIN
That's brilliant. Thank you. And, of course, the second question is obviously a faulty question because you clearly don't just solve one problem, Andrew. Could you give us an idea of some of the problems that you solve then? You've given some indication already.
It's time and space. It's time and stuff. So whether it's clutter and you're dealing with too much physical clutter, obstacles between you and what you're trying to accomplish and live a peaceful, serene, productive, engaged life or/and you are struggling with too much to do and not enough time to do it in. Those fundamentally, those are the two problems that I'm solving.
04:40 ROBIN – Valuable Free Action (VFA)
Excellent. Brilliant. And so what is one valuable free action that our audience can implement that will help them solve any of those problems?
Stop talking in narrative terms when you are defining goals for yourself. So from this point forward, never say, I'm going to work on something until it's finished. Simply quantify it and say, I'm going to work on it for x amount of time, and then set your timer. Failure breeds failure. Success breeds success. If in the past, you tried to do something, you said I'm gonna work on this until till I'm finished, and you didn't finish, the next time you attempt it, you're already feeling beat up. If instead, you say I'm gonna work on this for fifteen minutes and you work uninterrupted for fifteen minutes, you did what you said you were going to do. That will build momentum and confidence in your ability to meet your goals and deadlines.
Oh, that gives me chills. I might have to steal that from you. That's actually really, really excellent.
Freely shared.
Yes. But it's really a very good point. And I love the, the eloquent way that you described it. Thank you.
So now we know a little bit more about what you do. Let's talk about goal busting. And what I mean by that is how do you make the best use of productive time to achieve your own business goals?
So, can you share any tips or advice for someone looking to improve their productivity habits? I mean, you've just given us a corker.
Sure. I'm being a bit greedy here. Can you give us another one?
Of course. Yeah. Happy to. So I use I use my own form of time blocking, meaning that I make appointments with myself, and I work very hard to keep those appointments even though they are appointments with myself and I could let myself off the hook.
Another thing that I remind myself all the time is that winners do what they have to do, everyone else does what they want to do, which doesn't mean you're becoming a martyr or a victim, but it means that you remind yourself. I remind myself all the time. If I want to win, whatever that means to me, I'm not competing with anyone other than myself. But if I want to win today, if I want to achieve the things that I want to achieve, I have to do what's required of me to do that rather than defaulting to, oh, that makes me a little uncomfortable or I have some reservations, etcetera, etcetera.
All of the story is going to slow me down from doing the things and getting the results that I want, and I stay focused on that rather than interstitial discomfort.
Because within twenty four hours, whatever was making me uncomfortable today, I will have forgotten. There will be new things that will make me uncomfortable tomorrow. So rather than focusing on how I feel in the moment, I'm really focusing on what I'm getting done. Now, again, that doesn't mean that I trip myself up and beat up on myself or do things that are dangerous or deplete my energy beyond something that's, you know, recovery that's recoverable.
So one remains mindful of how one is being intentional with what you're doing during the day.
That's brilliant. There's a lot to unpack in there as well. That's really a great deal to think about. And also, I mean, I forget things all the time. You're quite right. Why would you remember what you didn't do yesterday? Or is it you tomorrow's another day, you know.
07:52 ROBIN
Perfect. Thank you.
So this is actually, one of my favourite questions because this is where I'm really handing the reins to you. When I ask what should I have asked you today that I didn't and, of course, your answer, please.
I don't know that there's a question that you didn't ask me.
I think the organizational triangle is how people get and stay organized. One home for everything, like with like. That's how we get organized. Something in, something out is how we stay organized. So we don't need to get bogged down in a lot of rules, a lot of dogma.
I resist dogma and authority. And so I I've come up with a system that I think is super simple. One home for everything, everything has one home, only one home. Where you keep your keys can be different from where I keep my keys.
Your keys have a home. My keys have a home. They can only ever be one of two places. In your hand unlocking something or in their home.
Like with like means all like objects live together, not some of them. So instead of keeping most of the tools in the toolbox but the Phillips head screwdriver and the junk drawer, we keep all the tools together. With one home for everything and like with like, you will be organized and find anything you're looking for in thirty seconds or less. Once you are organized, when something new comes in, something old leaves.
That's how you maintain the order. It's so much simpler than many people make it when they think about getting organized and staying organized.
Wow. Thank you. And look at that. We've done it with fourteen seconds or fifteen seconds to spare.
Excellent. Excellent. And I actually feel like that that was a master class, Andrew. Thank you so much.
My pleasure.
Really looking one of the great pleasures I have with these things… (I'll stop the clock because it has finished). One of the great pleasures I have when they're doing these recordings is I have to go through them and transcribe them, and I'm really looking forward to doing this one because there's so much to unpack. And I really recommend that our listeners and viewers rewind it because, I mean, they're amazing.
We did all that, you did all that in seven minutes. I didn't do anything. You did all that in seven minutes.
Pretty cool.
Yeah. That's pretty cool. That's like, I feel like, I know I haven't, but I feel like I've just read a book. You know?
It was just marvellous. Amazing. So, Andrew, can you, tell us please how can our listeners and viewers reach you? And, also, I always like to suggest is there, something that they can get from you like a something useful, a tool, or something that you can offer them?
10:20 ANDREW Valuable Free Resource (VFR)
Yeah. Totally. So they can you can find me on the web at andrewmellen.com. Mellen is spelled M E L L E N dot com.
So that's a great place to start. And, for all of your listeners, we've got some delightful free things at BSonBusy.com. So B S like in B S onbusy dot com. You'll find, a Time Thieves Action Guide there.
You'll find some free screensavers, that will, hopefully prompt you to put down your phone more frequently and not get sucked down the rabbit hole of social media and, hopefully, increase your productivity.
That's wonderful. I'll give anything to put down my phone permanently. I hate the damn thing.
I'm with you. I'm with you.
Such a time waster. My little T W, my little time waster. Yes. They're quite a big time waster.
Oh, that's brilliant. And, of course, I will be putting those links underneath YouTube, underneath the podcast, and then all descriptions of this so people should be able to find them in in a clickable way as well on most of the formats.
Andrew, it's been awesome. I genuinely was very pleased to to have you on today, and I'm even more excited that we've done this.
I really feel like I have genuinely like it was a master class or a mini master class.
Yay. It's the best.
It's the best. Andrew, thank you so much. Thank you.
And bye bye.
11:51 OUTRO
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Robin J. Emdon is an accountability coach and creator of the GetResultsology® System, a comprehensive guide designed to help people overcome procrastination and achieve their goals.
Robin’s journey started in his family’s retail business, but he soon realised his true passion was empowering others. In 2001, he trained as a life coach in the U.S., which led him to specialise in accountability coaching and eventually create the GetResultsology® System.
During the 2020 pandemic, Robin faced his own challenge with procrastination. Despite years of coaching experience, he still struggled with distractions. Determined to find a solid, permanent solution, he developed the GetResultsology® System to help others and himself boost productivity.
Based in South Devon, England, Robin helps clients all over the world boost their income and profits by achieving extraordinary results through accountability coaching. In his spare time, he enjoys sharing his passion for local history.
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