Maximize Your Productivity and Eliminate Distractions – in Just 7 Minutes with Miriam Ortiz y Pino

Why you've got to check out today's episode

1. Expert Productivity Tips: Learn proven methods from an experienced business coach and organizer.

2. Actionable Advice: Gain practical strategies to eliminate distractions and improve time management.

3. Personalized Systems: Discover how to create tailored systems to fit your lifestyle and work.

4. Boost Your Efficiency: Understand how to focus on the most important tasks to achieve your goals.

5. Insights on Relationships with Money & Stuff: Explore deeper connections between productivity and your relationship with money, people, and possessions.


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In this episode of Goalbusters Expert Peak Productivity Tips, business coach and organizer Miriam Ortiz y Pino shares her strategies for helping solopreneurs and creatives maximize productivity. She highlights the importance of setting clear goals, eliminating distractions, and designing systems that simplify both business and life for long-term success.

Check out these episode highlights:

02:02 Ideal Client: 

Miriam works with solopreneurs and creatives who often lack support, helping them streamline their businesses and lives.

02:48 Core Problem Solved: 

She helps clients figure out what to work on and when, focusing on eliminating distractions and maximizing efficiency.

03:15 Valuable Free Action (VFA)

Have a designated place for everything, including both physical and digital spaces, to stay organized and productive.

04:05 Valuable Productivity Action (VPA)

Focus on the three most important tasks each day, ensuring they align with your long-term vision.

08:15 Life Purpose and Productivity: 

Organizing isn't just about stuff; it's about your deeper relationships with money, people, and goals, which impacts your overall success.

Miriam has a Valuable Free Resource (VFR) for you at

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:


(Note, this was transcribed using transcription software and may not fully reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Welcome to the Goalbusters Expert Peak Productivity Tips podcast, where top business experts get just seven minutes to answer five rapid fire questions about what they do and how they stay productive.
Each episode is packed with actionable insights to help boost your efficiency and achieve your goals. Let's dive in and unlock the secrets to peak performance.

ROBIN 0:22
Hello there. My name is Robin J. Emdon, and I'm talking to you today from Torquay in sunny South Devon, England. And on this episode, we welcome Miriam Ortiz y Pino, a certified professional organizer and business coach with over twenty years of experience.
Miriam helps entrepreneurs and creatives break free from self-defeating patterns by designing personalized systems that simplify their lives and businesses. She's passionate about empowering others to shift their relationship with money, clear clutter, and build deeper connections with their customers. Miriam, welcome.

Hello. Thank you for having me.

You're very welcome. Whereabouts in the world are you, Miriam?

I am in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, Western Hemisphere, planet Earth.

Okay. That's it. Yeah. All we need are the GPS locations now. Am I right in saying you're a fifteenth generation, New Mexican?
Thirteenth. That was that was two generations out. That goes back to what? Like, the sixteenth century?
Yeah. Coronado expedition.
Wow. Okay. Yeah. So so you probably know the area quite well.
Yeah. I'm quite familiar.
So okay. Let's get into the content of the podcast, and thank you for that. It's very nice to meet you. So, I'm gonna start the clock in a moment, and then we'll rattle through the five questions in seven minutes. So let's get the clock going.
And there it is, and we're off. So let's first talk about what you do, please, Miriam, who is your ideal client?

MIRIAM 02:02
I love to work with solopreneurs and creative visionaries that work out of their house usually or a small office. I find that they're the ones that don't have a whole lot of support or places to go when they have a question about how to run their business and their life.
Yeah. That's perfect. Thank you. Very similar to what I do as well. That's that so I completely identify with where you're coming from on that, being a solopreneur myself.
Yeah. What is the so you kind of more you've got by saying what your ideal client is, you you've kind of answered question two, but maybe we can go into a little bit more detail about what is the problem that you actually solve.
MIRIAM 02:48
Yeah. I help people to figure out what to work on and when, and how to structure their time for maximum efficiency, basically.
Eliminate the distractions and get them on track.

ROBIN 03:15 Valuable Free Action (VFA)
Perfect. So what would be, say, one valuable free action that the audience can implement that will help them solve that problem?
Have a place for everything, defined and designated so you know where to put things. So when we connect organization and productivity, you need a place to put things so you know where it is when you need to work on it at the time you need to work on it.
And presumably, that extends to not just the things on the shelves behind you, but on the screen in front of you.
Yeah. That's Yeah. That's always the hard thing. I find the screen in front of you. It's like it's like a black hole. Everything goes in.
Doesn't that and you never and then you think, oh, where did I put that?

ROBIN 04:05 Valuable Productivity Action (VPA)
Yeah. Perfect. So now we know a little bit more about you what you do, Miriam. Let's talk about goal busting, meaning how do you make the best use of your productive time to achieve your own business goals.
So can you share any tips or advice for someone looking to improve their productivity habits? Plenty of time. So if you have, you have more than one, that would be great. And if you don't, that's also great.
I think the number one thing that helps people stick to their plan is having a plan, but not so much the plan the tasks and steps along the plan. But what's the desired outcome? What are you trying to create? What is the long term vision of what you're working on?
It keeps you from getting lost in busy work. It keeps you more focused on the three most important things each day, which most productivity people are aware of. You know, That's a great way to start your productivity journey is to have what are the three most important things? The non-negotiables today.

And I think connecting those two, like, are these three things getting me towards that desired outcome.
Just kinda amplifies the result you get there. And it helps you begin to discern what's busy work and what's actual important work. And sometimes the important work is something routine and boring, but if you have the right systems in place, it's really easy, and you don't have to complain about it for three hours.
Absolutely. Absolutely.
I mean, I completely identify what you're saying. It's so easy to get incredibly busy doing things that have nothing to do with what you really wanna achieve.
You know, the analogy I give is, oh, you know, let's go and clear the garage out. You know? Great. You know? We need you doing, but how does it get you nearer to your goal of being a doctor? You know?
Or how does it get you nearer to your goal of making enough money so you don't have to work in the in the as a waiter or a waitress in a bar somewhere. You know?
You can get incredibly busy and not be getting anywhere at all.
Yeah. Having said that, it's important to set up your foundation. So I wouldn't say the garage is completely unimportant, but the order in which you tackle it is probably out of order.
Yes. Exactly.
I call it, some people call it a garage. I don't know what you call it in America, but I call it my procrastination room.
Yeah. It's usually, I'm busy doing that if I'm procrastinating.
Yeah. We just garage, and, it's usually the big black hole for storage things you don't wanna think about today.
So, I mean, that's all great. It's like I'm hearing an echo in the advice that you're giving there. The tips that you're giving are solid sound tips.
And you just gotta remember to do them. And that also comes back to having the three things every day. Because if you run those past what your ultimate purpose is you know? (Mhmm) It's always like I learned a long time ago about learning to say no to other people's agendas and asking me what they want. And I always run it past, how does that get me closer to where I need to be?
Yeah. And it's also helpful to think about your calendar or your schedule or your agenda, whatever you call it, to think about it as the container for the activities you need to do.
And once it's full, it overflows, and, of course, you can't get it all done. So it's very important to think about it as this this is the limiter. Like, I'm maxed out. I have an appointment on every line in the calendar, and that's gonna cause a problem because I didn't leave myself time for lunch, or nature breaks.
That lunch and nature breaks are important too.
Yeah. Or any interruption at all. So if you start thinking about, oh, this is a block of time that I work on my business stuff. This is a block of time I can work on my personal stuff and maybe deal with a little bit of the garage. Here's a little bit of time to work on my self-care and my family. And, you know, think that it that way.

ROBIN 08:15
Forty five seconds, which is actually a lot of time. What should I have asked you that I didn't?
Oh, maybe how the connection is really not about the stuff.
It's about your relationships with money, with stuff, with yourself, with your people, with the world.
And going through your stuff and taking the time to set these things up saves you hours in the long run and can be a lovely journey of self-discovery.
That's fantastic. And that's actually very, very deep.
You know, it's tying it all back together.
It's not just things you have to get done, but there's a deeper purpose there. There's a life purpose there.
Yeah. And it ties back to your desired outcome.
Yeah. Perfect. Okay. That's great. So that's it. We we did it. Seven minutes. We've got through all five questions.
So, Miriam, I'd love for people to be able to get in touch with you, and find out more about you.
Is there a website that they can go to, you could tell us, for our listeners? And I'll put it in the notes underneath as well, of course.

Valuable Free Resource (VFR)

It's my website, it's the hub for all my resources paid and free, and it has all the different ways I can work with people and just loads of interesting nuggets I spew about.
Okay. That's perfect. And then are there any, like, freebies on there that they could pick up that would be useful to them?
Yeah. There's a couple. I do a couple free master classes, webinar style every month, and I do have the one minute mail solution, which is about how to deal with incoming information, how to set up the system for your incoming information, whether it's paper or digital.
That's brilliant. And that's all on the website. They can find that. Yep. Perfect. And we as I say, we'll put the links below in the descriptions with the podcast and the video as well.
So, Miriam, thank you so much. That was that was wonderful and really interesting. And it's so good to hear someone, give with some fresh ideas and also, supporting a lot of foundational ideas, which are easy to know, but it you actually have to do.
Yeah. You have to learn them, and then you have to try them out, and then you have to adjust them a little bit for the way you think. It's easy to overlook setting those up, but they're key to success.
Absolutely. Key to success. Miriam, thank you so much.
Thank you, Robin. Appreciate it.

OUTRO: 11:00
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Robin J. Emdon is an accountability coach and creator of the GetResultsology® System, a comprehensive guide designed to help people overcome procrastination and achieve their goals.

Robin’s journey started in his family’s retail business, but he soon realised his true passion was empowering others. In 2001, he trained as a life coach in the U.S., which led him to specialise in accountability coaching and eventually create the GetResultsology® System.

During the 2020 pandemic, Robin faced his own challenge with procrastination. Despite years of coaching experience, he still struggled with distractions. Determined to find a solid, permanent solution, he developed the GetResultsology® System to help others and himself boost productivity.

Based in South Devon, England, Robin helps clients all over the world boost their income and profits by achieving extraordinary results through accountability coaching. In his spare time, he enjoys sharing his passion for local history.

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